Native Camp スピーキング 1-9 What Do You Think He Should Do First?


What Do You Think He Should Do First?

【Example 酔って運転しようとする友人がいる人:サンプル回答】
He should take away his friend’s key and put him in a taxi. His friend may be angry at him, but he will understand later. If an accident happens, it would be too late to take action to prevent it.

jeopardise:危険に晒す [dʒépərdàiz]

“In Japan, there were many tragic accidents caused by drunk drivers. So the penalties for drunk driving are very strict, and the fines are high. But in some other countries, the rules seem to be looser."

drunk drivers:飲酒運転者
drunk driving:飲酒運転

【Q1 家が火事の人:サンプル回答】
He should call for help. Call the nearest fire station and stay away from the burning house.

【Q2 医者にダイエットしろと言われた人:サンプル回答】
He should eat the food that was recommended by his doctor and exercise properly.

“I heard even just weighing and keeping a record of our weight every day is effective for dieting."

keep a record:記録を残す

【Q3 女性がバッグをひったくられているのを目撃した人.:サンプル回答】
He should try to chase the thief and help the woman if the police haven’t arrived yet.

“If he is physically confident and strong, he can chase and catch the thief by himself. But the thief might have a weapon, so it’s safer to call the police."

【Q4 ロッカーに鞄を入れていることを忘れた人:サンプル回答】
He should go back and get his bag. He might have something important inside it. He needs his books for his homework.

【Q5 車のタイヤがパンクした人:サンプル回答】
He should look for a mechanic to help him change his flat tire.

“First, he should open the trunk and see if there is a spare tire. If it’s in there and he can change the tire by himself, do it. If he can’t, call JAF(?)."

【Q6 道で財布を拾った人:サンプル回答】

【Q7 おぼれている人を発見した人:サンプル回答】
He should get the man out of the water. If he doesn’t know how to swim, he needs to find a rope or shout for help.


【Q8 友達のカンニングを発見した人:サンプル回答】
He should tell his teacher about the incident.


「 チクったら後で関係がまずくなるし、その友人がいじめっ子とかボスとかだったら大変なことになる 。テスト終了後に、試験官に罪を告白するよう友人を説得してみるのがいいだろう。まぁ無駄だろうが。」
“If he tells, the relationship may get worse later. If the friend is a bully or a boss, it will be in trouble. After the test, try to convince the friend to confess what he did to the examiner. But it would be useless."

でもレッスン中も、結構こんな感じで話したな。"bully" “confess" “useless" 等みんな使った。普段使わない語彙なのに。

【Q9 花瓶を誤って割ってしまった人:サンプル回答】
He should tell his mom that he did not mean to break the vase. He should say sorry.

【Q10 地震に遭遇した人:サンプル回答】
He should get up from the bed and stay away from falling objects. He should look for a desk or a table to hide under.


【Q11 痴漢に間違われた人:サンプル回答】
※問題文が難しい "He is mistakenly taken to be a groper."
groper:痴漢 [gróupər]

He should tell the girl that he did not do anything and tell her he is not a groper.


「 混んだ電車で男性がすべきなのは、両手を常に上に上げて、つり革をつかむとか新聞を開くとかをして、手を周囲に見せておくことだ」
“What men should do on a crowded train is to keep their hands up all the time, grab the straps, open the news paper, so that their hands are visible to those around him."

【Q12 会社の食品偽装表示を見つけた人:サンプル回答】
※問題文が難しい  He found out that the company is doing deceptive labelling on food.
deceptive :人の目を欺く

He should report it to the proper authorities and provide enough evidence to support his complaint.


内部告発:internal complain


J先生とのおしゃべりの中で、"yes""no" どっちで答えるか迷う時があったので、"Same here." でごまかした。

最後に、やはり初のセルビア・J先生。J先生はQ11の “groper" という単語を初めて見たと言っていた。
