Native Camp トピックトーク28 Movies


・comedy(⇔ tragedy)movie:コメディー(⇔ 悲劇)映画
 ex) When I’m depressed, I prefer comedy movies to watch to tragedy movies.

・period drama:時代劇
 ex) The “Samurai" appears in only Japanese period dramas.

・youth film; teen movie:青春映画
 ex) I’m not sure what kinds of movies are called “youth film."

 ex) There’re some extraordinary movies even among B-movies.

・Sci-Fi movie, science fiction movie:SF映画
 ex) I wonder will the next great Sci-Fi movie director beyond Steven Spielberg appear.

・movie director:監督
 ex) About finding fabulous child actors, there’s no movie director greater than Chris Columbus.

・leading actor [man] / actress [woman]:主演俳優/女優
 ex) If an actor makes his name as a leading actor, he may not be able to play a supporting cast anymore.

・supporting actor / actress:脇役
 ex) Which would be better in an actor’s life, appearing only once as a leading actor or being chosen in many movies as a supporting actor.

 ex) Netflix has been dominating the film industry in Hollywood these days.

・box office:チケット売り場
 ex) It looks like the latest Spider Man movie dominated the box office in the U.S.
※dominate the box (office) = チケット売り場を制圧する = 映画が大ヒットとなるの意味


・comedy(⇔ tragedy)movie:コメディー(⇔ 悲劇)映画
 ex) When I’m depressed, I prefer comedy movies to watch to tragedy movies.
 → “When I feel depressed, I prefer to watch comedy movies instead of tragedy movies."
 "There are many comedy movies released this year."

・period drama:時代劇
 "Grandpa loves watching period dramas on TV."

・youth film; teen movie:青春映画
 ex) I’m not sure what kinds of movies are called “youth film."
 → “film" に “s" 必要
 "Actors of teen movies like the Harry Potter series easily become popular."

 "It’s just a B-movie, but the acting is great"

・Sci-Fi movie, science fiction movie:SF映画
 ex) I wonder will the next great Sci-Fi movie director beyond Steven Spielberg appear.
 → “I wonder if the Sci-Fi director movie will beyond Steven Spielberg appear?"
 "The only sci-fi movie he watched was Star Wars."

・movie director:監督
 "Well-known movie director, Quentin Tarantino, makes strange but funny movies."

・leading actor [man] / actress [woman]:主演俳優/女優
 "A film with famous leading actors sells really well."

・supporting actor / actress:脇役
 "The supporting actress stood out more than the leading lady."

 "Foreign movies were dominating the movie theaters."

・box office:チケット売り場
 "Superhero movies usually dominate the box (office)."



