Native Camp トピックトーク21 Generation Gap
・prioritize:〈…を〉優先させる,〈…に〉優先権を与える [praiɔ́rətàiz]
ex) In a society, we always prioritize elderly people.
・people belonging to (the old generation):(お年寄りの世代)に属している人達
ex) Only people belonging to the old generation go to elections.
・on the other hand:一方で 他方で
ex) On the other hand, the young generation isn’t interested in elections.
・bridge (the generation gap):(世代間)の断絶を埋める
ex) It’s always difficult to bridge the generation gap.
・understand (each other):分かり合う
ex) I’m not sure both generations can understand each other.
・one’s sense of values:価値観
ex) I want to have friends who have the same sense of values as mine.
ex) I don’t care what are the buzzwords these days.
・get across:〔相手に〕通じる
※〈人が〉考えなどを〔相手に〕わからせる, 伝える 〔get across to someone〕
ex) It’s impossible to get across to my parents my sense of value.
・reduce the gap:差を縮める
ex) He tried to reduce the gap with her.
・give way to each other:互いに譲り合う
ex) Please give way to each other when walking on a street.
・take it for granted:当たり前の事と思う, 勝手に思い込む
ex) Elderly people tend to take the prioritize for granted.
・prioritize:〈…を〉優先させる,〈…に〉優先権を与える [praiɔ́rətàiz]
Young Brits claim the old generation prioritized their interest when they vote to leave the EU."
・people belonging to (the old generation):(お年寄りの世代)に属している人達
"They say it’s hard to get along with people belonging to the older generation.“
・on the other hand:一方で 他方で
"On the other hand, you have grandkids getting on famously with their grandma or grandpa."
・bridge (the generation gap):(世代間)の断絶を埋める
"Dialogue and patience are needed to bridge the generation gap."
・understand (each other):分かり合う
"They have begun to understand each other without words/saying anything."
・one’s sense of values:価値観
"Parents pass down their own sense of values to their children."
"It’s funny how buzzwords and catchphrases change through the years."
・get across:〔相手に〕通じる
※〈人が〉考えなどを〔相手に〕わからせる, 伝える 〔get across to someone〕
"Bill tried to get his point across, but his son refused to listen or understand."
・reduce the gap:差を縮める
"Spending time with her daughter has reduced the growing gap between them."
・give way to each other:互いに譲り合う
"It’s important to give way to each other whether you’re young or old."
・take it for granted:当たり前の事と思う, 勝手に思い込む
"When you take your children for granted, you might miss a lot."