

【Jamaica】Digital Help in Jamaica


Does your phone get reception here? ※電波が入る:get reception
My phone only gets reception in Japan.

It’s pretty stable, so far.
It has decent speed. 「まずまずの速度です」

Reception in the Bahamas isn’t included in my plan.


The cruise ship has Wi-Fi. ※There is Wi-Fi on the cruse ship.よりオススメ
The Wi-Fi in the lobby is super slow. 「ものすごく遅いです」
The Wi-Fi in the cabin isn’t free. ※客室:cabin(roomでも良い)
The Wi-Fi is four dollars a/per day.
Yesterday, the Wi-Fi was iffy. ※ビミョー:iffy


First, type in 'a’,’b’,’c.’ ※打ち込む:type in(inのない表現もあるが、あった方が分かりやすい)
Those are all uppercase/capital letters/in caps.

What’s the name of the Wi-Fi here?
The password is written on your receipt.
It’s lowercase 'jm’ and the numbers 2 and 4.

Okay, this computer is connected to the Wi-Fi.


Is the power on? 「電源は入っていますか」 ※電源:power ex. The power is out/ back.「停電」
The power is not on yet.

The power cord is still in the box.

Just plug it in that outlet.
The power cord is not plugged in. 「電源コードが差し込まれていません」 ※(プラグが)差し込まれた状態である:be plugged in

That light is blinking. 「チカチカしています」 ※点滅する:blink


This is a used/secondhand laptop.
This is in good condition. ※be in ~ conditionは人には使わない。物の状態について使う
It’s like brand-new.

Does this computer have any apps?
We need to install this app.

How much storage is there? ※容量:storage [stɔ́ridʒ]
It says 50 gigabytes of storage.

The hard drive is almost empty. ※ハードディスク:hard drive


I’ll share my screen.
Can you see my screen?
Can you see the Jamaican flag on my screen?

The video/audio is breaking up. ※(音声などが)途切れる:break up
I can still see/hear you.

Let’s turn off the video.
Now my video is off.


I’ll e-mail you later. ※e-mailは動詞として使える
I e-mailed you the application.

Did you see my e-mail?
Sorry I didn’t reply.

I haven’t checked my e-mail yet today.
I usually check my e-mail five times a day. ※「いつも」でもusually

If you have any questions, just e-mail me.
If you need anything, just e-mail me anytime.


Are you on social media?
I used to be pretty active on social media. 「割とやっていました」
I’m not active on social media at all.

I just check other people’s posts.
Is it okay if I post this picture on my social media?
Just tell me your account name.


Let’s take a group picture. ※集合写真:group picture
Would you take a picture for us?
Where’s the camera app?

Just open the settings for the camera. ※settings:様々な設定があるので複数形
We need to adjust this setting. ※setteing:一つの具体的な設定なので単数形

Would you hold the camera horizontally, like this? ※横に:horizontal, horizontally / 縦に:vertical, vertically
Is everyone in a picture?
Move closer together, just say 'Jamaica’! ※詰める:move closer together