

【Scotland】Dress for Success in Scotland


We need warm clothes. ※clothesの発音はcloseと同じ[klóu(ð)z]
I only have ski clothes. ※wearは基本的に動詞で使う
I think so. I’ll check. 「そのはずです。確認します」
I brought a foldable umbrella. ※折りたたみ傘:foldable umbrella [ʌmbrélə]
I bought a rain poncho at the baseball game. 



This tie is bright blue.
I’m looking for a dark blue tie. ※navyだと海軍を連想するのでdark blueの方がより伝わりやすい
Do you have this shirt in light blue?
My uncle is over there. He is wearing a light gray suit.
This shop only has that shirt in dark gray.
Our uniforms are light green with white stripes. It’s a company colour.
I’m looking for my jacket. It’s dark green.
My mother gave me this bright green shirt.
The autumn/fall leaves are so colourful.


It’s cold for September. 「9月にしては寒いです」 ※unseasonablyは発音しにくいのであまり使われない
I’m gonna take off my sweater.
It’s getting cold. ※It has gotten cold.より一般的
I need to wear layers today. ※重ね着する:wear layers
My son gets hot easily.
I get cold very easily.
I’m ALWAYS cold. 「私は冷え性です」


〇〇 look good on 人 / 人 look good in 〇〇
Dark red looks good on you.
Does this quilt look good on me?
That looks great good on you!
I don’t look good in hats. / Hats don’t look good on me.

Is it for a special occasion?
I’m going to an afternoon tea.
Do I need to dress up too much?
Am I over dressed? ※「派手過ぎか」というより「きっちりし過ぎて浮いていないか」というニュアンス


What’s your shoe size?
In centimeters, my shoe size is 28 centimeters.

How tall are you?
In centimeters, I’m 170 centimeters tall.
I’m not sure how many inches that is.

What size(d) shirts do you wear? ※会話ではsizeの後ろのdは言わないのが一般的
Are you usually a small or a medium?
Usually, I wear a large for T-shirts.
Usually, I wear a medium dress shirt. ※Yシャツ:dress shirt

Do you have this in a petit? ※extra smallはきつい服と言うイメージがあるかもなので、特に女性の服ではpetitを使う [péti]


Is it okay if I try on these shoes? ※May I より「このお店のルールとしてokか」が表せる
Where is the fitting room?

How does it feel? 「着心地はいかがですか?」
It feels nice.

Is it tight? / Does is feel tight?
It feels a little tight.
Is it too loose?
It feels a little loose, but not too loose.

Will this T-shirt shrink?
It might shrink a little.


I wore a Scottish outfit. ※全体の服のコーディネートについて言うときはclothesよりoutfit
That Scottish outfit looks good on you.
Actually, I’m renting this outfit.

I’ve seen a quilt on TV once. It’s heavier than I expected. ※「思ったより」は通常はthought よりexpected

You’ll fit in with the locals in Scotland. 「きっととけこみますよ」
Does this outfit stand out too much?  「この服だと浮きますか?」


チェック柄:plaid [plǽd]
I love that plaid scarf.
I almost never wear plaid. 「ほとんど着ません」
I got this plaid vest for my trip to Scotland.

I look slender in stripes. ※skinnyよりslenderの方がエレガント
I like to wear a striped shirt and jeans.
There are three people wearing stiped shirts in this café.

I don’t look good in polka-dots. / Polka-dots don’t look good on me.
That polka-dots dress is addable.「その水玉のワンピースはすごく可愛いですね」 ※ワンピース:dress


Where did you get those tabi-sockcs? ※足袋はtabi-sockesが良い
I have a kimono in my closet, but I haven’t worn it for a long time.
I always wear a kimono for New Years.
My mom wears a kimono pretty often.
I’ll tell you about this kimono. This was made in Kyoto, my mom gave it to me.


Hurry up in change. 「急いで着替えて」
Orange is a fall colour.


birthday suits:裸
In Japan, people usually go in hot sprints in their birthday suits.

thinking cap:熟考
Let’s put on our thinking caps.

tighten my belt:節約する
I have to tighten my belt this month.

our dirty laundry:内輪の恥
Let’s not air our dirty laundry here. ※(動)air:空気に触れる→晒す

I’m the youngest, so I always wore hand-me-downs.

roll up my sleeves:本腰を入れる、本気になる
I’m going to stop delaying and roll up my sleeves. ※stop delaying:先延ばしをやめる

below the belt:反則、言い過ぎ
The comment was below the belt.

knock my socks off:驚かせる
She played the piano and knocked my socks off.