

【Wales】Ups and Downs in Wales


I feel a little blue/down. 「少し憂鬱です」
I feel awesome/amazing/incredible. 「最高の気分です」

I feel bad. 「反省しています」
Don’t feel bad./Don’t worry about it. 「気にしないでください」
I feel terrible. 「本当に反省しています」

You’re lucky! 「うらやましい!」


This is not the worst restaurant in this city. 「まだマシです」
It’s not bad. 「まぁまぁです」 ※so-soだとネガティブなイメージ

気分、雰囲気を表す(mood, atmosphere)

He is moody.「彼は気分屋です」
The mood is contagious.
Sorry to spoil the mood, but I gotta go.「雰囲気を壊してすみませんが行かないと」

It’s important to read the room when you give a presentation. 「空気を読むことが大切です」

The restaurant has a nice atmosphere.
There is no atmosphere, just tables and chairs. 「雰囲気がありません」


The breeze feels good.
This AC feels great.
Does the water feel good?
I’m a little scared of heights.

Are you feeling sick?
I’m feeling a little dizzy.
I feel fine, thanks for offering.

Let’s take a breather. 「一息つきましょう」

Are you gonna be okay? 「大丈夫そうですか」
I’m gonna be okay. 「大丈夫そうです」
Everything is gonna be okay.

※参考:2024年度6月 気分がすぐれない、気分がすぐれない人を労わる

~の気分だ(feel like)

Do you feel like going out?
I don’t feel like cooking tonight.
It feels like fall today.
It felt like a movie scene. 「英語のワンシーンのようでした」


I got a moving fan letter. [fǽn]
That documentary was so moving.
I was moved.

I’m so excited to see Wales.
This rugby match is exciting, isn’t it?

This pub is so lively.
The book-signing wasn’t very lively. But we had a nice time./We enjoyed ourselves./It was fun.

Let’s go!(goを伸ばす)「盛り上がっていきましょう!」


I’m a big fan of yours.
I’m a huge fan of yours.
I’ve been a big fan of this show for a long time.
I’m not really a fan of any one team. 「特にどこのチームのファンというわけではありません」

It’s an honor to meet you.


I have goose bumps. 「鳥肌が立っています」
I saw it live and I got goose bumps.

Who is your favorite player on the Japan team?
I hope he does well in today’s race. 「期待しています」

It’s a new world record!
It was a photo finish. 写真判定:photo finish
This is once-in-a-lifetime experience.
It hasn’t sunk in yet. 「まだ実感がわきません」
I was on the edge of my seat. 


声援を送る:cheer(応援ならroot for)
We can’t cheer during the tennis match.
Is booing OK? Let’s not boo./Let’s stop booing.
Everyone is cheering for the gymnast from Japan. 体操選手:gymnast

I feel sorry for him.


Here we go! 「行くぞ」
You got this./You can do it! 「できる!」
You nailed it! 「決まったね」
Great job! 「さすが!」
Good game. [(試合の後で)お疲れ様」