





“Are you hungry?"
“Are you hungry?"
“Yes, I’m getting hungry."
I just ate.
“No, I’m stuffed." 「お腹いっぱい」

“Are you thirsty?"
“I’m getting thirsty."
“Thanks. Do you have any tea?"
“No, I’m fine for now."
“No, thanks. Actually, I don’t drink."

“Do you have a cold?"
“Yes, I have a cold now."
“Yes. Actually, I have a slight cold."
“No, I’m fine."
“No. Do I sound different?



“Are you outside now?"
“Yes, I’m taking a walk."
“Yes, I’m on my way to the bank."
“No, I’m at home."
“No, are you outside?"

“Is it raining now?"
“Yes, it’s still raining."
“Yeah, it’s not raining very hard."
“No, it’s still sunny."
“No, it’s a little cloudy, though."

“Was that thunder?"
“Yeah, I think so."
“Yes, it might rain today."
“No, there’s some constructions nearby."
“No, that was a big motorcycle."

“(ドアのノックが聞こえて)Oh, sorry. Can you wait?"
“Yeah, I’ll wait."
“Sure. Go ahead."
“Well, I’ll talk to you later."
“Sorry. I need to go."



“Have you had a birthday recently?"
“Yes, my birthday is in February."
“Yes, my birthday was last week."
“No, my birthday will be next month."
“No, my next birthday will be in about three month."

“Have you met up your friend recently?"
“Yes, I had dinner with a friend last week."
“Yes, I saw a friend from Australia last month."
“No, I’ve been busy."
“No, I’ve been spending time with my family recently."

“Have you seen any good movies recently?"
“yeah, I saw a good comedy online last week."
“Well, I saw a documentary yesterday."
“No, these days I just watch TV shows online.

“Have you bought anything specially recently?"
“Yes, I just got a new smartphone."
“Well, I don’t remember buying anything in particular."
“No, I’m saving money to travel abroad."



“How are you doing?"
“Well, I’m pretty good." 「まぁ元気」
“I’m great, thanks. How’re you?"
“I’m super busy."
“I’m okay."

“How is the weather today?"
“It’s wonderful today."
“It’s the best weather so far this spring."
“It’s warm and sunny today."
“It’s awful / lousy / terrible." ※lousy:天気が悪い
“It’s cold for this time of the year." 「季節はずれの寒さ」

“How’re you feeling today?"
“I feel great."
“I feel pretty good."
I don’t feel very well.“ 「あまり良くない」
“I feel a little nauseous." nauseous:(形)吐き気がする
“I feel terrible."



“How was your day?"
“It was good. How was your day?" ※yourを強調する
“It was a tough day. I felt tired all day."
“It was productive. I organized my closet and put my winter clothes in storage. ※productive:充実している ※in storage:収納している

“How was your breakfast?"
“It was good. I’m still full."
“It was delicious. It was the best omelet I’ve ever had."
“It was so-so. How was your breakfast?" ※ここでの “so-so" はイマイチのニュアンス

“How was your trip abroad?"
“It was fun. I went to lots of events like concerts and art exhibitions."
“It was so-so. The weather was pretty bad, and our hotel was a little old."
“It was a great trip. Have you ever been to Sweden?" [swíːdn]


二刀流:"How do you like ~?" への返答

“How do you like this park?"
“It’s a nice park. I come here on the weekend pretty often.
“It’s an innovative park. It has all kinds of exercising equipment." ※innovative:斬新な
“It’s so-so. The playground equipment is pretty old and worn out." ※遊具:playground equipment ※ボロボロな:worn out

“How do you like living in this country?"
“It’s great. I don’t wanna go back to Japan yet."
“I love it. it’s always safe."
“It’s a wonderful place to retire. The healthcare system is excellent." ※医療システム:the healthcare system
“Well, the winters are pretty cold, and the summers are so hot."

“How do you like trains in this country?"
“They’re really safe and clean. I really like that."
“They’re excellent. They’re so stylish and comfortable." ※おしゃれな:stylish
They’re reliable just like Japanese trains. But sometimes I prefer the bus."
“They’re not bad. I don’t like the really crowded trains."



“Would you like to sing a song?"
“Sure. I know a few songs by the Beatles."
“Yeah, I’ll sing a Japanese song."
“No, I’ll pass this time."
“Well, I’m not really in the mode to sing now."

“Let’s do a duet."
“Sure. That might be fun."
“Well, okay, if I know the song."
“Well, I’d rather just watch for now."
“Well, is there anyone else who can sing?"

“What’s this song?"
“It’s called 'Happy Strawberry.’ It’s a song about falling in love for the first time."
“It’s called 'Sad Strawberry.’ It’s a song about heartbreak."
“This is a famous folk song in Japan. It’s a song about rainy days."
“This is a famous pop song in Japan. It’s a song about sunny summer days."



“Aren’t you super famous on social media?
“Yes, it’s me."
“Hi. So, I guess you’ve seen my blog."
“I’m not famous, but I have an account on SP-alarm."
“No, that’s not me.

“Your pictures of Japan are so beautiful."
“Thanks. I love taking pictures."
“Thanks, I’m honored." 「光栄です」
“Well, I’m still learning to take good pictures."

“I saw your profile picture. You look even better in person."
“Wow, thank you for saying that."
That makes my day.“ 「お陰で素敵な1日になります」
You’re too kind.“ 「お世辞でしょう」
“Oh, really? I think I look older in person." 「実物の方が老けて見えると思う」

“Do you recommend starting social media to other people?"
“Yeah, it’s a good way to practice English."
“Yeah, it’s a great way to express yourself."
“No, it takes too much time."



“I have two daughters."
“Oh, really!"
“I didn’t know that."
“How old are they?"
Tell me about your daughters." 「聞かせて」

“Actually, my daughters are twin."
“I didn’t know you had twin daughters."
“Twin daughters? They must be so cute!"
“Are they identical twins?" ※そっくりな:identical
“Do they take after / look like their mom or dad?" ※似る:take after / look like

“Here’s the picture of my daughters."
“Oh, how cute!"
“They’re adorable!"
“They take after their mom." 「お母さん似」
“They look really smart and gown up.“  ※大人っぽく見える:look grown up

“Actually, here is one of my daughters."
“Hi, Sidney. Nice to meet you."
“Hi, Sidney. That’s a pretty name. I’m 〇〇."
“Hi, Sidney. Your mom just showed me your picture."



“No pain, no gain."

“No pain, no growth."

“No risk, no reward." [riwɔ́rd]

“All work, no play."

“Easy come, easy go."

“がらくたを入れたら がらくたが出てくる"
“Garbage in, garbage out."

“Cold hands, warm heart."

“In one ear, out the other."



★こういうイディオムを使うコツは、まず前振りを言ってから、"As they say, " と言って付け加える。
ex) I’ve been baking a lot lately. As they say, the more your practice, the better you will get.

“The bigger, the better."

“The smaller, the better."

“The earlier, the better."

“The faster, the better."

“The quieter, the better."

“The less you know, the better."

“The more, the merrier."

“The more you buy, the more you safe."

“The more you practice, the better you will get."



“Life has ups and downs."

“Two heads are better than one."

“The grass is always greener on the other side."

“Do you have a sweet tooth?"

“That rings the bell."

“Everything was as quiet as a mouse."

“It’s no use crying over spilled milk."

“Birds of a feather flock together." ※flock:一群
