

~ 例文 ~
Look at me. Look what you’ve done to me?"
※点(at)に向けて目を向ける(look) 「~に目を向けて→考えて」
“This room looks south."(この部屋は南向きだ)
“I’m just looking."
“You look great in that jacket."
“So, how do I look?"
“Ok, I’ll have my mechanic take a look at it."

~ 命令文で目を向けさせる ~
Look, here comes the boss."
Look what time it is."(もうこんな時間だ)

~ 目を向ける → 調べる、検査する ~
“You’d better get the doctor to look at the cut."
“Can you take a look at my car?"

~ その動作がどこにどのように向かうかを示す前置詞が付く ~
“Can you look after my plants?"
look for
※for:求めて目をやる → 探す



~ 気を付ける ~
Please watch your step.
Watch your mouth.(口の利き方に気を付けろ)
Watch your head.
My doctor says I should watch my weight.
Watch it.(気を付けろ)
Please watch my bag while I go for a swim.

~ 動くものをじっと見る ~
What movie shall we watch?
Watch and learn, ok?
watch TV / a game / “Eikaiwa Time Trial"



~ 見える → 会う、つきあう ~
Glad to see you.
It’s so nice to see you again.
Are you seeing anyone?(誰かと付き合っているか)

~ 見てきた → 経験してきた ~
My granddad has seen a lot of changes in his lifetime.(祖父は人生でたくさんの変化を経験してきた)
She’s seen both sorrow and joy in her life.

~ 目的語説明型 ~
I saw Mary shoplifting.

~ 目的語説明型 ~
Let me see you home.(家まで見送らせて)


~ 心が捉える → 理解する ~
as you can see・・・(お気づきの通り)
as I see it,・・・(私が見るところ)
as far as I can see,・・・(私が分かる限りは)
I don’t see why she did that.

心が捉える → 想像する、考える ~
I can’t see him as a lawyer.(弁護士になるなんて想像できない)
I’ll see what I can do.(何が出来るか考えてみる)

心が捉える → チェックする、確認する ~
See who’s at the door, will you?

I’ll see to it that this never happens again.(こうしたことが二度と起こらないようにいたします。)
See to it that the agenda is sent immediately.(議題は直ぐに送るように)



“Fine, I suppose. He’s kind and handsome."
I suppose.:たぶん

You don’t sound so sure. Is there a problem?"

“Well, kind of. All the girls in town follow him around."
follow ~ around:~を追い回す

“It’s a sacred area built in memory of the shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu."
sacred:神聖な [séikrid]  in memory of:~を記念して、追悼して

“These stones can be slippery after the rain."
slippery:滑りやすい [slípəri]

“Thanks for warning me. I almost slipped."
almost V過去形:もう少しで~するところだった

“What movie shall we watch?"
shall we ~:~しましょうか?(勧誘)

“Well, I’m no expert, but I know some things."

“What is Stonehenge exactly?"

“But it may have been an observatory."

Apparently, they did."
apparently ~: 一見したところ~のようだ [əpǽrəntli]

“You should ask Noriko out."
ask ~ out:~をデートに誘う

I hate to say this, but it looks like your boyfriend is seeing somebody. I was watching a news program, and I saw him walking arm in arm with a cute girl behind the reporter."
I hate to say this, but ・・・:これは言いたくないんだけど、・・・
walk arm in arm:腕を組んで歩く

“she got arrested for shoplifting in a supermarket yesterday. I don’t see why she did that."
get arrested:逮捕される  万引きする:shoplift

“We need you to see to it that everything is in order."
see to it that ~:~を確実にする、取り計らう  順調で:in order


“Jeannie, how are you getting along with Frankie?"
along:細長いものに沿った動き・場所 誰か・何かに衝突せず上手に沿っている様子を表す

“Many Japanese children come here on school trips."


“Mr. Emori, how many times have you been to Toshogu?"

“But it may have been an observatory."
完了形「その時までに」→ may + 完了形で「だったのかもしれない」

“All right. I’ll do it this afternoon."
