NHKニュースで学ぶ現代英語 2024年12月勉強分④
タイ 環境にやさしい灯籠流し
People in Thailand are celebrating one of the country’s oldest traditions, the Loy Krathong lantern festival.
As concerns grow over the burden it puts on the environment, it’s now being enjoyed digitally.
・concern over ~:~に対する懸念、心配
・put a burden on ~:~に負担をかける
Traditionally, festivalgoers place lanterns in rivers and lakes to show gratitude to the goddess of water.
※festival+goer「行く人、参加する人」 cf. moviegoer:映画を(よく)見に行く人、映画ファン
・show gratitude to ~:~に感謝の気持ちを表す
Now people in a busy area of Bangkok are creating digital lanterns on their smartphones.
They release them in a virtual river conjured up with projection mapping.
・conjure up:(魔法や手品で、あるいは魔法のように)出す、作り出す
The floating baskets for lanterns are mainly made with natural materials, like banana leaves and flowers. But plastic is also used.
The festival generates a huge amount of waste and ends up polluting rivers – hardly a fitting offering for the goddess.
・end up ~ing:最終的に~する、結局~する、~することになってしまう
“We should find a middle way by mixing the old and new. We want to keep the tradition alive, but without harming our environment. Digital Loy Krathong is the answer.”
・keep ~ alive:~を存続させる
ペロブスカイト太陽電池 普及目標
・perovskite solar cell:ペロブスカイト太陽電池
Japan’s government has set a goal of stepping up the use of perovskite solar cells to realize a carbon-free society.
・set a goal of ~ing:~する(こと)という目標を設定する
Officials at the industry ministry have decided to try to bring down the cost of generating power from the next-generation cells to levels equivalent to that of conventional solar technology.
・bring down:引き下げる
・equivalent to ~:~に相当する、~に等しい」です。
The government envisions that the country will generate 20 gigawatts of electricity from the cells by 2040.
That’s equivalent to the output of 20 nuclear power plants.
It plans to position the cells as a pillar of renewable energy sources by fiscal 2040.
Perovskite solar cells are thin, light, and flexible.
Their low profile makes them well-suited for Japan, where empty land and open spaces are limited.
・profile:外形、輪郭 [próufail]
For example, they can be installed on building walls.
China and countries in Europe have been trying to mass-produce such cells.
The government says it will support R&D by Japanese manufacturers.
・R&D:研究開発(research and development)
【 豆知識:所有の「’s」と「of」 】
例) Japan’s government「日本の政府」
last year’s record「去年の記録」
例) the government of Japan 「日本政府」
↑曖昧なJapaneseに比べて、of Japan(日本に帰属する)は意味がはっきりする。
【 豆知識:"Japan’s" と “Japanese" の違い(2回目) 】
上記豆知識の通り「’s」は所有を強調するので、「Japan’s government」はJapanに焦点を当てている(帰属していることを強調している)感じ。
これに対して、「the Japanese government」はあっさりした言い方で、「日本に何らかの意味で関係する、関連がある」という程度なので意味が広く、曖昧になりがち。文脈から判断する必要がある。
例) Japanese manufacture「日本の製造会社」
Japanese song「日本の歌」
※参考:【 豆知識:"Japan’s" と “Japanese" の違い 】
Health experts suggest a prolonged shortage of prescription drugs will be impacting Japan for some time yet.
・for some time yet:まだしばらくの間
They say about 20 percent of shipments were limited or halted entirely as of last month.
The Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers' Association of Japan released the results of a survey on more than 16,000 items.
・pharmaceutical manufacturer:製薬会社
Officials say as of the end of October, shipments were limited for more than 10 percent and halted for just under 8 percent.
Of those, 60 percent were generic drugs.
・of those:それらのうち
Disruptions began more than three years ago in light of production problems and rising demand caused by the spread of infectious diseases.
・in light of ~:~を受けて、~を踏まえて、~を考慮して
Health ministry officials say they’ll urge drugmakers to ship inventories and increase production for winter, when infectious diseases and colds are typically more prevalent.
The officials also say they plan to help tackle production problems at generic makers.
人道支援関係者の犠牲 過去最悪に
The United Nations says 281 aid workers have been killed so far this year in conflict zones around the world, mainly in Gaza.
・(humanitarian) aid worker:人道支援関係者、人道支援要員
This is a record number of deaths.
The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, or OCHA, reported on Friday the death toll has surpassed last year’s record of 280.
One hundred and seventy-eight aid workers have been killed in the Palestinian areas, including Gaza, while 25 have been killed in Sudan, and 11 each in Ukraine and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, according to OCHA.
・the Democratic Republic of the Congo:アフリカ中部にある「コンゴ民主共和国」
※長年にわたって資源をめぐる紛争が続いている。隣接するRepublic of Congo「コンゴ共和国」と混同しないよう注意が必要。
The UN body also says 165 aid workers have been wounded and 79 have been kidnapped, with Yemen having the most at 20.
OCHA chief Tom Fletcher issued a statement saying aid workers are being killed at an unprecedented rate.
He said states and parties to conflicts must protect humanitarians and uphold international law.
・party to ~:~の当事者、関係者
※cf. be a party to ~:(特に悪事など)~に加わる、加担する
中国 日本人の短期ビザ免除措置を再開
Authorities in China are making it easier for travelers from abroad to enter their country.
They’ve temporarily relaxed a restriction they’d imposed during the pandemic.
・relax a restriction:制限(規制)を緩和する
・impose:(制限や規制を)課す [impóuz]
They’re allowing Japanese citizens to visit without a short-term visa.
In the past, many Japanese citizens entered China without one for vacations and business trips.
But the Chinese government suspended the visa exemption in 2020 due to the coronavirus.
China’s foreign ministry announced Friday the visa exemption will take effect again on November 30.
It will continue at least until the end of next year. Eight other countries will also get a similar exemption.
Beijing also says it will be extending how long those stays are good for.
・good:(契約などが)有効な ※豆知識参照
China began resuming exemptions for certain countries, like Singapore, last year. But Japan had not been included at the time.
Tokyo repeatedly called on Beijing to bring it back, at the request of Japanese companies.
・call on A to ~:~するようAに要請する
・at the request of ~:~による要請を受けて
Some experts suggest China’s real estate slump is behind the move.
They say Beijing may be trying to encourage investment from Japan as foreign investors remain cautious.
【 豆知識:goodの意味の一つ「有効な」 】
“Beijing also says it will be extending how long those stays are
good for."
・“This ticket is good for one week from the date of purchase.” 「このチケットは購入日から1週間有効です。」
・“I have a coupon good for 20 percent off.” 「私は20%割引のクーポンを持っています。」
・“Your money is no good here.” 「お金は必要ありません」「ここでは無料です」「今日は私が持つ(おごる)よ」