NHKニュースで学ぶ現代英語 2023年5月勉強分④


【 語彙・表現 】
・look at ~:~を調べる
 ex) A new survey is looking at why many people in Japan continue to wear masks.

・leave (it) up to ~:~に委ねる、~に任せる
 ex) The Japanese government eased its coronavirus guidelines earlier this month, leaving it up to individuals to decide if they should put on face coverings.

 ex) About 50 percent of respondents said the infection situation in their local area was their main concern.

・put ~ away:~をしまう、片づける
 ex) Many in Tokyo say they are putting their masks away more often.

 ex) I wear it at work, but I usually remove it when I shop.

【 豆知識:"wear” を使うパターン 】
wear a mask
wear glasses
wear a hat
wear a moustache
wear a smile:笑みを浮かべる


【 語彙・表現 】
・it’s not just ~, it (is) also ~:~だけではなく~でもある
 ex) It’s not just the start of the new fiscal year — it also marks the start of school for millions of kids.

 ex) This year, they’re being overseen by a new government body.

・inauguration:就任、開始、発足 [inɔ̀ːgjəréiʃən]
・the Children and Families Agency「こども家庭庁」
 ex) An inauguration ceremony was held Monday at the Tokyo office for the Children and Families Agency.
・take ~ seriously:~に真摯に向き合う、~を真剣に受け止める
・reflect A in B:AをBに反映させる
 ex) To create a society focused on children, the most important thing we can do is listen to their voices, take them seriously, and reflect their perspectives in our policies.

・the health and welfare ministry:厚生労働省
 ※正式名称はMinistry of Health, Labour and Welfare
 ex) The new agency covers some functions previously managed by the health and welfare ministry and other bodies.

・be tasked with ~:~の任務(業務)を負う
・go through ~:~を経験する
・pregnancy and childbirth:妊娠と出産
 ex) It's tasked with handling child benefits and support for people going through pregnancy and childbirth.

・nursery school:保育園
 ex) It’ll also handle nursery school services and issues facing kids like abuse, bullying, and poverty.

・plummet:(価格や数値が)急落する、急に減少する [plʌ́mət]
 ex) The government is hoping the agency and expanded childcare benefits will help raise Japan’s plummeting birthrate.

【 豆知識:英語ニュースに出てくる省庁の名前 】

Children and Families Agency

Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
(英語ニュースで良く使われる) health and welfare ministry

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (MOFA(モファ))
(英語ニュースで良く使われる) Foreign Ministry

Ministry of Finance, Japan (MOF(モフ))
(英語ニュースで良く使われる)Finance Ministry

Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI(メティ))

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
(英語ニュースで良く使われる)agriculture ministry

Ministry of Defense
(英語ニュースで良く使われる)Defense Ministry

Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT)
(英語ニュースで良く使われる)ministry of transport / tourism ministry

Ministry of the Environment
(英語ニュースで良く使われる)Environment Ministry

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT(メクストゥ))
(英語ニュースで良く使われる)education ministry

Digital Agency


【 語彙・表現 】
・before we go:最後に、終わりにする前に
 ※ニュース番組などで最後の話題を紹介するときによく使われる表現。before we leave (you)などとも言う。
・unsettle /upset one’s stomach:胃の調子を悪くさせる
 ※cf. have an upset stomach:胃の調子が悪い
 ex) Now, before we go, something that might unsettle your stomach.

 ※名詞形はemission。cf. carbon emissions:炭素排出(量)
 ex) A study has found they emit high-pitched tones when they experience stress.

 ex) Researchers adjusted the tones to a frequency humans can hear.

・ultrasonic:超音波 [ʌ̀ltrəsɑ́nik]
 ※ultrasoundとも言うがが、ultrasoundは「超音波検査」という意味で使うことが多い。cf. sonic:音波の、音速の
 ex) The sounds were recorded using ultrasonic microphones by scientists in Israel.

expose A to B:AをBにさらす
 ※cf. sleep deprivation:睡眠を奪われること、睡眠不足、oxygen deprivation:酸素を奪われること、酸素欠乏
 ※cf. snip, snip:「チョキチョキ」という音
 ex) They placed tomato and tobacco plants inside a soundproof box and exposed them to various types of stress, such as water deprivation and stem snipping.

 ex) The group says it’s unclear what leads to the sounds, but suspects they’re created when water columns in dehydrated stems break down, generating air bubbles.

・mammal:哺乳類、哺乳動物 [mǽməl]
 ex) It also says some insects and small mammals can detect the sounds and their behavior might be influenced by what they hear.

【 豆知識:アメリカ発音とイギリス発音が違う単語 】


【 豆知識:ディスカッションを始める時の話始め 】
 ex) As a phonetician, I am really excited to listen to the news as I am interested in sounds in general. What do you think about today’s story?

先端半導体 輸出管理を厳格化

【 語彙・表現 】
・manufacturing equipment:製造(するための)設備、装置
 ex) Japan is tightening export controls on semiconductor manufacturing equipment.

・go into effect:発効される、施行される
 ex) The restrictions will go into effect in July and will cover 23 items.

・trade minister:(日本の)経済産業大臣
 ※正式にはminister of economy, trade and industry
 ex) Exports to China or other destinations not on the whitelist will need the approval of the trade minister each time.

 ex) This measure is aimed at preventing technology from being diverted to military use.

 ※e.g. fulfill a contract:契約を履行する、fulfill a dream:夢を実現する
 ex) We want to fulfill our responsibilities to the international community as a country with advanced technology.

 ※名詞strength「強さ」+ -en(動詞化)
 ex) The U.S. has already strengthened export restrictions to China.

【 豆知識:"each time" と “every time" の違い 】
文脈によってはeach timeは1回1回を強調し、every timeは「いつも」という意味が強調される。

【 豆知識:"measure" の様々な使い方 】

I bought a made-to-measure jacket. 「私はオーダーメイドのジャケットを買った。」

beyond / above measure:測れる度合いを超えて → 極度に、計り知れないほどに
 ex) Ohtani is talented beyond measure. 「計り知れない才能がある」

take one’s measure:~(人)の素質・才能を見定める
 ex) When I first met John, I took his measure. 「彼の人となりが分かった」


【 語彙・表現 】
・pour in:流れ込む、押し寄せる
 ex) Tributes have poured in from around the world for Japanese musician and composer Sakamoto Ryuichi.

・trailblazing:先駆的な、草分けの ※豆知識参照
 ex) He’s known for his work with the trailblazing electronic band Yellow Magic Orchestra.

・genre-defining:ジャンルを定義づけるような、ジャンルを代表するような [ʒɑ́nrə(ジャン~レみたいな)]
 ※cf. era-defining:時代を特徴づけるような、career-defining:(ある人の)キャリアを代表する
 ex) Sakamoto co-founded the genre-defining group in 1978.

・synthesizer:シンセサイザー [sínθəsàizər]
 ex) YMO’s use of computers and electronic instruments, including synthesizers, pioneered techno-pop.

・score a film:映画の音楽を作曲する、映画の音楽を担当する
 ex) Sakamoto earned global acclaim by scoring films like “Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence.”

 ※動詞conserveには、「保護する」の他に「節約する、浪費しない」という意味もある。e.g. conserve electricity:節電する
・A as well as B:AおよびB、AさらにはB ※豆知識参照
・nuclear:核、原子力 [njkliər]
 ex) He campaigned for forest conservation, as well as the abolition of nuclear weapons and nuclear power plants.

【 豆知識:"trailblazing" のイメージ 】

blaze a trail:(新たな道や分野を)切り開く
  ex) a singer-songwriter who blazed a trail for others to follow:後進のための道を開いたシンガーソングライター

【 豆知識:"A as well as B" の考え方 】
A as well as B:BだけでなくAも、BはもちろんAも、AもBも、AおよびB、AさらにはB
