NHKニュースで学ぶ現代英語 2022年8月勉強分①

ウクライナから避難の女性 帰国

・in limbo:不安定な状態で、中途半端なままで
・into:扉を開けて中に入るイメージ。ここでは、期間(four months)と一緒に使って、ある時点に始まって続いている出来事を表している。
 ex) The futures of many people who’ve fled Ukraine are in limbo more than four months into Russia’s invasion.

・on one’s way back(on the way back):帰る途中で
・even as ~:~にもかかわらず
 ex) One Ukrainian woman who evacuated to Japan is now on her way back, even as the fighting rages on.

 ex) She was granted the right to stay and work for one year.

“ジェンダーの平等” 日本は116位

 ex) Analysts with the World Economic Forum have released their annual report on the global gender gap.

・out of ~:(ある数の)中で
 ex) They ranked Japan 116th out of 146 countries.

 ex) The report examines gender gaps in four areas: political empowerment, economic participation and opportunity, educational attainment, and health and survival.

・top the list:(順位づけされた)リストで1位になる
 ex) Iceland tops the list for the 13th straight year.

 ex) Japan fared well in the education and health categories.

・the Lower House of the Diet:衆議院議員
 ex) The report notes the percentage of women working in the Lower House of the Diet and the Cabinet is small.

・managerial position:管理職
 ex) It indicates the percentage of women holding corporate managerial positions is low as well.

 ex) Iceland tops the list for the 13th straight year.

 ex) It rained for three successive days. 「雨は3日連続で降った。」

in a row(序数ではなく普通の数字)
 ex) I took four days off in a row. 「4日間連続で休みを取った。」

 ex) The player hit home runs in three consecutive games. 「その選手は3試合連続でホームランを打った。」


英語の “daycare center" は「保育園、託児所」のこと。


・lower court:下級裁判所、下級審
・100 billion dollars in damages:金額+in+お金の性質で「〇〇額の損害賠償」
 ex) A lower court in Tokyo is ordering four former executives of Tokyo Electric Power Company to pay nearly 100 billion dollars in damages to the utility.

・nuclear plant:原発
 ex) Shareholders claim the company suffered massive financial losses because of the 2011 accident at its Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.

・a long-term ~:長い期間の~
・seismic:地震の、地震に関する [sáizmik]
 ex) The trial focused on the reliability of a long-term assessment of potential seismic activities.

 ex) The shareholders argued the assessment is reliable and the former managers should have done more to safeguard the plant against the huge tsunami they knew was possible.

 ※"fore-" で始まる単語は、「事前に、前もって」というニュアンスを伴う。 ex)forecas:予報する
 ex) The managers claimed the assessment had low credibility, so they could not foresee damage from a massive tsunami.

・presiding judge:裁判長 [prizáid]
・awareness:気付いていること、自覚していること → 意識、認識
 ※safety awareness:安全意識
・sense of responsibility:責任感
 ex) The presiding judge ruled on Wednesday the executives fundamentally lacked safety awareness and a sense of responsibility as the operator of a nuclear plant.


・endure ~:(苦しみや厳しい状況などを)耐え忍ぶ、我慢する、辛抱する
・record ~:記録的な~、空前の~
 ex) People in Europe are enduring a record heatwave.

・touch offは「(何かを)引き起こす、発生させる、誘発する
 ex) Scorching temperatures have touched off wildfires in France, Spain, and Portugal.

・on board ~:(旅客機や船、列車などに)乗って、機内(船内、車内)で
 ex) This video was taken on board a Spanish train during an emergency stop.

・mercury:水銀 [mə́ːrkjəri]
・the mercury:水銀柱、温度計 → 温度、気温
 ex) In France, the heat is breaking records, with the mercury rising above 40 degrees Celsius.

・out of commission:(車や機械などが)使えない
 ex) In Britain, it was hot enough to put some transportation out of commission.

 ex) The runway at Luton Airport near London was damaged, temporarily suspending flights.

 ex) British rail operators also cancelled some services and imposed speed limits after defects were found on tracks.

暑い夏 節電商品の売り上げ急増

・from ~ earlier:~前と比べて
 ※"earlier" の代わりに “before" も使える
 ex) Major household goods retailer Loft says its sales of items for staying cool surged 70 percent in June from a year earlier.

・against ~:~に接触して
 ※place a desk against a wall:机を壁にくっつけて置く
 ex) Masks made of a material that feels cool against the skin are also popular.

 ex) Loft says sales of such items are brisk at this outlet in Tokyo, and that it’s trying to ensure it has sufficient stock.

・home improvement store:ホームセンター
 ※"hardware store" ともいう
・outdoor unit:室外機(air conditionerが挿入されている)
 ex) Home improvement store operator DCM says popular goods include sun-blocking sheets for outdoor air conditioner units.

n the sun:日なたで、日差しの中で
 ex) The heat-reflecting coverings can save electricity by preventing air conditioners from overheating in the sun.

<豆知識:"made from" と “made of" の違い>

・made from ~:素材が加工されて原形をとどめていない

・made of ~:素材が一見して分かる