Native Camp 文法中級の総まとめ ⑪ 名詞・冠詞・副詞


→ 複数形

<教材:中級63, 中級65>
“I made friends with Katie."
“The Japanese bow while we shake hands."
“Did you get a direct flight or did you have to change planes?"
“All my family members are all into dancing."

→ 単数形

<教材:中級63, 中級65>
“The Suzuki family is a big family."
“Ten miles is a long way to walk."
“Five feet is quite short in America."

→ 複数形
※"a pair of ~" の後ろは単数形

<教材:中級63, 中級65>
“jeans" “glasses" “scissors" “gloves" “pajamas" “shoes"

The + 形容詞 (グループを表す)
→ 内容に応じ単数形になったり複数形になったりする

<教材:中級63, 中級65>
“The number of the homeless is increasing."
“It is natural for the strong to protect the weak."

“The rich are somewhat stingy."(金持ちの人たち→複数)
“The Japanese are considered very serious."(日本の人たち→複数)
“The adolescent often have conflicts with their parents."(思春期の人たち→複数)
“The police are trying to capture the suspect."(警察官たち→複数)

“The class has finished English."(一つのクラス→単数)
“The class has finished English."(クラスの人たち→複数)


①そのモノが見える、イメージ出来る → 加算名詞(単数形または複数形)
②そのモノが見えない、イメージ出来ない →不加算名詞(冠詞の無い単数形)

<教材:中級64, 中級65>
①"This is a chicken." (庭にニワトリがいる)
②"I had chicken for lunch."(鶏肉料理を食べる)

ex) “potato"
①"This is a potato."(畑でじゃがいもを拾う)
②"How much potato did you put in the soup?"(じゃがいものポタージュを飲む)

ex) “bus"("train", “plane", “taxi"も同様)
①"Many buses came to the bus station."(道でバスが走っているのを眺めている)
②"I go to work by bus."(バス通学していることを説明する)

ex) “coffee"
①"Can I have five coffees?"(一人1カップのコーヒーを注文する)
②"Brazil produces amazing coffee."(コーヒー(という飲み物)の原産地について話す)

①"How much apples did you put on the salad?"
②"I had fish for supper last night."
②"How often do you eat cake?"
 ※「ケーキというもの」の表現。ショーケースのケーキをいくつか数えている時なら “cakes" 、自分が何個食べるといったことを表すなら “two pieces of cakes" となる。
②"Conversation requires some skills."
②"I put a lot of pumpkin in the soup."


<教材:中級64, 中級65>
・day – days (日 – 時代)
・arm – arms (腕 – 武器)
・manner – manners (方法 – マナー)
・custom – customs (習慣 – 税関)
・good – goods (善 – 商品・品)


・the way

<教材:中級37, 中級38>
“My parents were against it as we expected.
“Please don’t complain and just do as you are told."
“The food didn’t come out right, although I cooked it as the book said."

「the way」
<教材:中級37, 中級38>
“I’m doing it just the way the recipe says."
“It’s your wedding, so you should organize things the way you want to."

<教材:中級37, 中級38>
“Like I always say, you guys have many things in common."
“Like I said, you two have so many things in common."
“His daughter grew up and became a politician like he said."
“I can’t hang out with her like I used to anymore."

Native Camp文法

Posted by Ally