多聴12:Mystery at the Ice Castle Inn: Part 3 ⑥ (Level:2)

知らない or あやふやな単語

・blood turns to ice:全身の血が凍りつく、心底ぞっとする
  ex) Major Jack’s blood turns to ice.

・under one’s command:~の指揮下に
  ex) Justice was a soldier under my command.

  ex) We were on a peacekeeping mission.

  ex) I sent his squad into a dangerous area.

  ex) His voice breaks as he speaks and his eyes fill with tears.

・be killed in action:戦死した
  ex) Justice was killed in action because of my mistake.

・haunt:(思い出などが)付きまとう [hɔnt]
  ex) This has haunted me ever since.

  ex) I told my superiors the truth about what happened that day.

  ex) When I return, I will probably be court-martialed.

・get even with ~:~に仕返しをする
  ex) Do you mean to tell us that for the past several years you have been collecting information on us, planning this whole trip just to get even with us?

  ex) Crystal stares at the empty faces of the group.

・Revenge is a dish best served cold.:復讐は冷まして出すのが最高の料理(復讐を急ぐことはない。むしろ時を経てからのほうが痛快で、うっぷんが晴れる)


Major Jackの話が一番気の毒だった。この後軍法会議が待っているわけだし。
