多読 29:Adrift in the Pacific (Level:2)


新しく追加された「Foxton Readers」というシリーズの表紙の絵のゴージャスさに「おおっ!」と思い、レベルが2なのでちょっと易しいかなとは思いつつも、このシリーズの本をいくつか読むリストに登録していた。
その中で、「Moby Dick(白鯨)」をまず読み、表紙の絵につられてしまった・・・と後悔し、次は口直しに別のシリーズにしようと思い、「Smart Readers」というシリーズの「Adrift in the Pacific(十五少年漂流記)」を選んだ。

「Foxton Readers」の絵画みたいな美しい表紙と比べ、この本の方は・・・まるでアニメだった・・・。

[シリーズ] Smart Readers
[出版社] Happy House

[著者] Jules Verne
[総語数] 5307語

知らない or あやふやな単語

・adrift:漂流して [ədríft]

・leave 人 in charge:人に(仕事を)任せる
  ex) The sailor left Moko in charge.

・knock off ~:~を叩き落す
  ex) The steam ship came so close to the boys’ boat that it knocked off a piece of the nameboard.

・endurance:耐久力、忍耐力 [endúrəns]
  ex) Each day was a test of endurance as the boat sailed on through the crashing waves.

・rough:(天候が)荒れた [rʌ́f]
・sail:帆船 [seil]
  ex) When the weather was rough like this, there was nothing to do but hold on tight and hope that the sails would not tear.

・steer:かじをとる [stíər]
  ex) On the deck stood Gordon, Briant, Doniphan, and Moko, all trying to steer the ship by holding onto the wheel.

  ex) He reasoned that if the boat was going to crash onto any rocks.

・thud:ドスンという音 [θʌ́d]
  ex) Suddenly, there was a great thud.

・shallow:浅い [ʃǽlou]
  ex) They only carried it further in and dumped it onto some sand in shallow water.

・overland:陸路で、陸上で [óuvərlæ̀nd]
・settlement:共同社会、コミュニティー [sétlmənt]
  ex) It could be a continent, in which case they could travel overland until they reached some kind of settlement such as a village or town.

・seaworthy:(船が)航海に適した [síːwə̀ːði]
  ex) But if it was an island, things would be more complicated because there was no way of leaving without a seaworthy boat.

・wade:水中を歩く [wéid]
・ashore:岸へ、浜へ [əʃɔ́r]
  ex) The boys scrambled out of the boat and waded ashore.

・battered:使い古してぼろぼろの [bǽtəd]
  ex) It was battered and broken up, so there was no way of sailing away from here.

  ex) On the other side of the stream was a marsh.

・shelter:(風雨や危険から)避難する [ʃéltər]
  ex) It was clear that there was no place to shelter there.

・expanse:(海や空などの)広がり [ikspǽns]
  ex) The boys finally came to the end of the forest, and beyond it they found a sandy beach and a huge expanse of water.

・warily:用心して [wέərəli]
  ex) The boys set off again, looking warily around them for wild animals or people.

・thoughtfully:考え込んだ様子で [θɔ́ːtfli]
  ex) The boys looked at it thoughtfully, but as they were trying to figure out what it all meant, Phann hurried away again and disappeared.

・jug:水差し、つぼ、ジョッキ [dʒʌ́g]
  ex) To their surprise, there was a table inside, with a tin cup and a jug on it.

・gloomily:陰気に、むっつりと [glúːmili]
  ex) “So you were right, Briant," said Doniphan, gloomily.

・stir up:荒立てる、巻き起こす、引き起こす
  ex) Doniphan stirred up arguments all the time.

・chip away:少しずつ削り落とす
  ex) Luckily, the rock was soft enough for them to chip away at it and they soon dug it away.

・chairman:議長、司会者、学部長 [tʃέərmən]
  ex) “Let us call it Chairman Island,” suggested Cordon, “after the chairman of the board who runs our school.

・enclosure:囲い [enklóuʒər]
  ex) They made some farm enclosures for them.

・sap:樹液 [sæp]
  ex) He even managed to make a sugar syrup from the sap of a maple tree, so everyone ate well!

・deception:ごまかし、だますこと [disépʃən]
・deceive:欺く、だます [disíːv]
  ex) Briant called the place Deception Bay because he felt as though the place had deceived him.

・telescope:望遠鏡 [téləskòup]
  ex) He looked through his telescope and frowned as he saw something strange on the horizon.

・fierce:猛烈な、激しい [fíərs]
  ex) The boys thought that they should stay and try to help, but the storm was so fierce that they were too afraid.

・launch:開始する、乗り出す [lɔntʃ]
  ex) Just as the boys got ready to launch the kite, Phann went toward the forest, barking yet again.

・persuade ~:~を説得する、促す [pərswéid]
・spare 人:人を大目に見る、許す [spέər]
  ex) He persuaded them to spare Kate’s life.

  ex) The men also spared the life of the ship’s master, Evans, who was second in command to the captain.

・overboard:船外へ [óuvərbɔ̀rd]
  ex) Kate told the boys how the boat had caught fire and one man had died when he jumped overboard to escape from the flames.

・wash:押し流される [wɔʃ]
  ex) This was the boat that had washed ashore on Chairman Island, with the crew and Kate aboard.

・limp:足を引きずる [límp]
  ex) The jaguar limped away, giving the boys a chance to escape.

・thrilled:興奮した [θrild]
  ex) He was thrilled to discover that Kate was alive after all.

・mend:修繕する [mend]
  ex) “The lifeboat from the ‘Severn’ could be mended,” he said.

・moor:停泊する [múər]
  ex) He tried to take Jack away on the boys’ boat, which was moored on the river near the cave.

・provisions:蓄え、食料 [prəvíʒən]
  ex) Meanwhile, the boys took tools, weapons, and provisions to Deception Bay.

・nursing:看護 [nə́ːrsiŋ]
  ex) Thanks to Kate’s careful nursing, Doniphan was getting better.





この本ならDoniphanだし、今までの多読で挙げるなら「Beauty and the Beast(美女と野獣)」での、主人公の姉たちもそう。
