レアジョブ Weekly News Article(レゴがグランドピアノを発売)
Lego launches 3,600-piece grand piano set
ex) Some singers write their own songs and compose their own music.
・submit ~:~を提出する
ex) I submitted my report one day late, so my boss wasn’t happy.
・a passion:情熱
ex) She developed a passion for painting when she was seven years old.
ex) The costumes in his new TV show are extraordinary; I’ve never seen anything like them.
・bring (something) to life:(何か)を実現させる、(何か)を現実のものとする
ex) My favorite book was brought to life when they made it into a live-action movie.
※live-action movie:実写映画
・it is an honor to ~:~できるのは光栄なことだ
ex) Chen said that it was an honor to have his design chosen by the company.
・Should Lego pay Chen for his idea?
→ 少しは払った方がいい
・Do you think the Lego Ideas Collection is a good way for Lego to gain customers?
→ とても良いと思う。レゴらしい
・Imagine that Lego wants you to submit an idea for their collection. What kind of Lego design are you going to submit (ex. a car model, a musical instrument)?
→ ドローンとか
・Do you think the price of the Lego grand piano ($350) is reasonable for a toy?
→ おもちゃとしては高いけど、実際の機能を考えたらそうだろうなという金額
・Do you think buying toys and never playing with them is a good idea?
→ フィギュアみたいなものであれば別に実際に使えなくてもまぁいいのかも
・Why do you think some people collect toys (ex. Lego sets, old games)?
→ 揃えて並べて眺めるのが楽しいんでしょう