レアジョブ Free Conversation(日記添削)


※こういう一つ一つの内容のことを先生は “entry" と呼んでいた。


Daylight saving time has started today, and the clock moved ahead an hour at two o’clock this morning. I have lost an hour of sleep…

Since the cell phone automatically adjusts the time, I do not have to be aware of anything when I wake up with the alarm on my phone. Yet, even so, I feel a little anxious before going to sleep for fear that something trouble would happen.

It means the beginning of summer, but the climate here is still winter. It snowed this morning with the low temperature.

新しい or 慣れない語彙・フレーズ
・ move ahead:前へ進む

・I feel a little anxious before going to sleep for fear that something trouble would happen.
 ⇒ “some trouble would happen" または “something bad would happen"


I am an early bird, while my husband is a night owl. I like the morning type because it seems healthy. But I read an article about a study that if a night-type person gets up early forcibly, his/her productivity drops.

I have a slight doubt around this kind of study. Yet, it is a fact that my husband used to be in a daze every time he got up early. So I thought it might be better not to force him to get up early from now on.

But the different sleeping types make us hard to act together…

新しい or 慣れない語彙・フレーズ
・forcibly:強制的に、無理やり [fɔ́ːsəbəli]

・"I have a slight doubt around this kind of study."
 ⇒ 最後に “,though" を付ける方がナチュラル

・"But the different sleeping types make us hard to act together…"
 ⇒ “But our different sleeping patterns make us hard to catch up on each other."
  または “・・・make us hard to spend time on each other."


A cruise ship has finally visited Canada for the first time since the pandemic began. According to the news story, this ship is taking a seven-day cruise from San Diego to Vancouver and docked at the port of Victoria last weekend.

As for the concern of the spreading of Covid, the news also says many cruise ship companies have prepared to prevent the infection, with full testing regimes and enough medical facilities

The tourism and hospitality industry in Canada must be jumping for joy.

新しい or 慣れない語彙・フレーズ
・docked at a port:入港する
・port of ~:~港
・regime:管理体制、制度 [rəʒíːm]
・jump for joy:飛び上がって喜ぶ

・"with full testing regimes and enough medical facilities"
 ⇒ “regime" だと政治的な意味になるので “regiments" の方が良い

・"the news also says many cruise ship companies have prepared to prevent the infection,"
 ⇒ もう既にCovidは広まった状況なので “prevent" ではおかしくなる. “fight off" にした方が良い。
  fight off:撃退する


Hearing of recent movement in space, I feel like space and planets are our neighborhoods expanded from Earth.

For example, it has been decided that Canadian laws will apply to crimes committed by Canadians on the Moon and in lunar orbit as well as on the ISS. It sounds like it will become natural that many Canadians are there.

Also, the increase of space debris, unnecessary artificial satellites or rocket fragments, has been a problem. We might need a garbage collection day like on the ground!

新しい or 慣れない語彙・フレーズ
・lunar orbit:月周回軌道
・artificial satellite:人工衛星

・"I feel like space and planets are our neighborhoods expanded from Earth."
 ⇒ “expanded" より “extension" の方がしっくりくる

・"It sounds like it will become natural that many Canadians are there"
 ⇒ “It sounds like Canadians are expected to be there in the future." の方が自然。



4つ目の日記で、先生からNetflixの韓国ドラマ「Space Sweepers」を教えてもらった。