レアジョブ Free Conversation(日記添削)



The temperature is rising little by little. Though there is still much snow all over the place, the ground is becoming visible. Some of the trails that used to be hard to pass through due to heavy snow are now walkable.

In addition to the growing birdsongs day by day, I realized the cry of Canada geese returning from the south today.

Those little things made me feel spring.

Oh, there is one more thing. The evil smell of skunks began to attack me here and there. Yuck, spring has no doubt come!

【 新しい or 慣れない語彙・フレーズ 】
・rise:(自動詞)上がる (他動詞)~を上げる

・"the ground is becoming visible."
 ⇒ “the ground is becoming gradually/more and more visible."
 これは、その前の “The temperature is rising little by little." に合わせ、こうした方がより適切、ということ

・" Canada geese “
 → “Canadian geese"

・"Those little things made me feel spring."
 ⇒ “Those little things made me feel that spring is finally coming."
 "feel spring" はなんとなくおかしい、と。言われてみればそうですね・・・。


I feel spring with the scent of the air or the warble of birds these days. Also, inside the house, I can see the change of the season from the rising humidity in the room.

During Winter, the humidity was so low that I was worried that my skin would dry. But thanks to Japanese great skincare products, I could stay away from trouble.

Meanwhile, it was snowing all day today. They were big snowflakes like petals and amazingly beautiful. I, a snow lover, feel sad that the snow season will end.

新しい or 慣れない語彙・フレーズ
・warble:〔小鳥の〕さえずり [wɔ́rbl]
・stay away from ~:~から離れている、~を避ける

・"I feel spring with the scent of the air or the warble of birds these days."
 ⇒ “I sense ・・・"

・"I can see the change of the season from the rising humidity in the room."
 ⇒ “change" → “changing"
 違いを質問したが、説明が難しそうだった。とりあえず “change" はナチュラルに聞こえないとのこと。

・"But thanks to Japanese great skincare products, I could stay away from trouble."
 ⇒ “thanks to great Japanese skincare products"



Recently, the days have clearly become longer. It is still bright around 8 p.m. In June, it will be bright even after 9 p.m. Due to that, it is a bit difficult to put my mind into sleep mode when going to bed.

I have been seeing more squirrels and rabbits crossing the road. The horrible smell of wild skunks has increased, too. And it is about time that the number of wild animals sadly got run over by cars.

I am from Tokyo. But of course, I never talk about this kind of thing in Tokyo…

新しい or 慣れない語彙・フレーズ
・get run over by ~:~にひかれる、踏みつけられる

・"Due to that, it is a bit difficult to put my mind into sleep mode when going to bed."
 ⇒ Due to that, it is a bit difficult for my circadian rhythm to adapt to.
 circadian:24時間周期の [sərkéidiən]
・"And it is about time that the number of wild animals sadly got run over by cars."
 ⇒ And it is during this time that・・・
 "it is about time that" はパーフェクトにマッチしている時に使う表現とのこと。
 ex) It is about time that I go back to Japan.


There seems to be a concern about Netflix’s future growth since the number of subscribers decreased for the first time in a decade.

I suppose the decrease may be because people are too busy to utilize the service enough. We have too many things to spend time such as SNS, YouTube, etc. Though Netflix declared the new cheaper plan with ads, I am not sure if it would be effective for keeping subscribers.

Also, offering a massive variety of content and making everyone satisfied must be difficult.

新しい or 慣れない語彙・フレーズ
・declare ~:~を宣言する、公表する

・"I suppose the decrease may be because people are too busy to utilize the service enough."
 ⇒ “people are too busy to utilize what the service has to offer."

・We have too many things to spend time such as SNS, YouTube, etc.
 ⇒ “to spend time such as" → “to spend time on ・・・"



