Native Camp 日記トーク(大晦日の年越し・最近の気候)



This year, in a sense, there were two beginnings of the year.

The first one was midnight Japan time. I entered the New Year while talking to my husband on skype. The familiar sound of the New Year’s Eve’s TV show was being heard, so I felt as if I was in Japan. Of course, the other was midnight here.

New Year is not such a big event here. Christmas is much bigger and more important. So, the town was quiet today. Without traditional New Year’s customs, I was able to spend my time leisurely.

【 キーとなる語彙・フレーズ 】
・in a sense:ある意味では

【 発音指摘】
・landlady [lǽndlèidi] タイプするまで何度発音しても理解してもらえなかった・・・
・Canadians [kənéidiən]
・motivated [móutivèitəd]

【 より良い表現として教えてもらったフレーズ 】
・Work Remotely
・back and forth


Thankfully, I have gotten used to this cold climate. I go out as long as the temperature does not extremely drop.

When I took a walk the other day, I saw a squirrel lively eating the remaining berries even though the temperature was below zero. Did it forget to hibernate? I also see Canada geese flying once in a while even now. Did they forget to migrate to the south as well?

Although the central part of Canada now has minus 50 degrees, I feel like it is warmer for winter here than I imagined.

【 キーとなる語彙・フレーズ 】
・hibernate:冬眠する [háibərnèit]

【 修正してもらった箇所】
・"I go out as long as the temperature does not extremely drop."
 → “If the weather doesn’t go below 20 degrees, I tried to go out."

・" When I took a walk the other day, I saw a squirrel lively eating the remaining berries even though the temperature was below zero. “
 → “When I was walking, the other day. I saw a squirrel eating the remaining berries, even though the temperature was below zero."

・" I also see Canada geese flying once in a while even now."
 → “I have also seen Canada geese flying back and forth."


今日は新しい講師のアメリカの J 先生のレッスンにした。非常に明るい先生だった。

