Native Camp トピックトーク24 Education
・over-demanding parents / overly demanding parents:モンスターペアレント(和製英語)
ex) Almost all teachers dislike over-demanding parents.
・early childhood education / nursery education:早期教育
ex) We always oppose early childhood education.
・infancy:幼少、幼時、幼年時代 [ínfənsi]
ex) I don’t remember how my infancy was like.
・(brain) development:(脳)の発達
ex) I’m not sure if nursery education could affect children’s brain development.
・force (child) to ~:(子供に)無理やり〜させる
ex) We never force our kids to study hard.
・by choice:好き好んで(~する)
ex) I don’t know whether or not all students at Native Camp are learning English by choice.
・corporal punishment (or physical punishment):体罰
ex) It’s difficult to explain the difference between physical punishments and abuses.
ex) My kids understand why they were punished.
・unquestionably, (it’s important):疑いの余地がなく、確かに(大切だ)
ex) Unquestionably, it’s important to play with our children as much as possible in their infancy.
【 サンプル文 】
・over-demanding parents / overly demanding parents:モンスターペアレント(和製英語
"The overly demanding parent wants all As on the report card."
・early childhood education / nursery education:早期教育
"A child with a good early childhood education does well in the future."
・infancy:幼少、幼時、幼年時代 [ínfənsi]
"Even in infancy, children are learning from their surroundings."
・(brain) development:(脳)の発達
"Oily fish is said to improve brain development and memory."
・force (child) to ~:(子供に)無理やり〜させる
"Some children are forced to give up playtime for their studies."
・by choice:好き好んで(~する)
"She left her club by choice, so she has more time to study."
・corporal punishment (or physical punishment):体罰
"Giving corporal punishment is no longer allowed in schools."
"The boy was punished for rude behavior in class."
・unquestionably, (it’s important):疑いの余地がなく、確かに(大切だ)
"School is, unquestionably, an important part of growing up."
・act up:〔子どもが〕行儀良くしない、暴れる、いたずらをする
・behave yourself:行儀よくする
Roll Playも分からない様子だったので、こちらから説明してあげる始末。
笑顔に関しては、事前に作成しておいた文を一つ一つコピペして見てもらっていて、" I don’t know whether or not all students at Native Camp are learning English by choice. " を見せたらやっと笑顔を見せてくれた。