

~ 例文 ~
“I never put milk in my tea."
“You can put your court on this hanger."
“Did you remember to put detergent in the washing machine?"

~ 他の例 ~
put flowers in a vase:入れる
put a calendar on the wall:貼る
put a spotlight on the ceiling:付ける、ぶら下げる
put salt in a cake instead of sugar:混ぜる


~ 例文 ~
“Sure, as long as it doesn’t put too much pressure on the band."
“Why do you always put the blame on me?"(私に責任を負わせる)
Put your seal next to your name."

~ 他の例 ~
put emphasis on social status:社会的地位に重きを置く
put the plan into practice:計画を実行に移す
put your name here
put your signature here
put my trust in you:信頼を寄せる


~ 例文 ~
“That’s why I’m putting you in charge of the advertising department.":担当にputする
“My boss says I should put the company first."
“I love her, but I can’t put my feelings into words. Help me.":intoで変化を表す
“Thank you for always putting me before work."

~ 他の例 ~
put him in the beginner group:groupは抽象的な場所
put your life at risk
put Japanese into English:intoで変化を表す
put the family first



“Do you take milk?
“It’s very strong tea and tastes better with milk"
“I just prefer mine black."
ミルクを入れる:take milk

“Bill, do you have a moment?"
have a moment:ちょっとした時間がある

“Have you heard of the film director, Doris Williams?"
hear of:なまえなどをきいたことがある程度の軽いニュアンス

“You’ve been doing on a great job on the ads."

“That’s why I’m putting you in charge of the advertising department."
in charge of ~:~の担当で


“Sure, as long as it doesn’t put too much pressure on the band."
“Why do you always put the blame on me?"
“on" は圧力


“Well, it’s about time somebody made a film about us."
これは仮定法(実際にはしていないがしてもいい頃)なので “made"

“She’s the one who made that tap-dancing musical, right?"

“So, you agree to the idea?"

“I enjoy working with Yuriko."
