NHKニュースで学ぶ現代英語 2022年7月勉強分③

英 ジョンソン首相が辞任表明

 ex) Boris Johnson says, in politics, no one is indispensable.

 ex) He says it’s the will of his party to have a new leader and, therefore, a new British prime minister.

・step down:辞める、退く = resign, quit
・make way for ~:~に道を譲る、~のために道を空ける
 ex) He’ll step down to make way for whoever comes next.

・steer A through B:AにBを乗り越えさせる
 ex) Johnson led the United Kingdom out of the European Union two years ago, then steered it through the pandemic.

・rebellion:反乱、反逆、造反 [ribéljən]
・the Conservative Party:保守党の党員 =the Tories
 ※労働党:the Labour Party
 ex) He faced a rebellion from other Conservatives, including those in his own cabinet.

・his office and residence:首相官邸(執務室と居住スペースがあるので)
 ex) He attended parties at his office and residence during pandemic lockdowns.

・ally:味方、支持者、協力者、同盟国、ここではジョンソン首相と同じ保守党の議員 [ǽlai]
・sexual misconduct:性的不正行為、性的不品行、痴漢行為
・prove to be ~:~であることをはっきり示す、~だと分かる、~だと判明する
・one ~ too much:~が1つ増えて全体の「程度」が限度を超えた → 命取りになる
 ※scandalは可算名詞なので文法的にはtoo manyが正しいが、実際の英語ではしばしば使われる表現
 ex) His appointment of an ally who’d been accused of sexual misconduct proved to be one scandal too much.

・dozens of ~:数十の~、多数の~
・exodus:大勢の人が出て行くこと、集団脱出 [éksədəs]
・make ~ a challenge:~することを難しくする
 ex) Dozens of ministers and aides stepped down in an exodus that would have made governing a challenge.

 ex) Johnson had exhausted his supply of loyalists.

・see through ~:~を最後まで見届ける
 ex) Johnson says it’s painful not to be able to see through other projects.

・Them’s the breaks.:受け入れなければいけないことを受け入れるという場面で使う表現 = “That’s life."
 ※"Those are the breaks." のくだけた言い方
 ex) But, in his typical style, he says, “Them’s the breaks.

インドの人口 来年世界最多に

・populous:人口の多い、人口密度の高い [pɑ́pjələs]
 ex) By the end of 2023, India will become the world’s most populous country.

 ex) India is not far behind and is projected to overtake that record and continue growing.

・be home to ~:(人々などが)その場所に住む
 ex) The UN estimates by 2050, India will be home to more than 1.6 billion people.

・mortality rate:死亡率 [mɔrtǽləti]
 ex) Efforts to curb growth have been unable to offset a boom caused by India’s declining infant mortality rate.

・feel the effects of ~:~の影響を受けている
 ex) China is still feeling the effects of its one-child policy, which ran from around 1980 to 2015.

・fertility rate:出生率
 ex) Beijing has now shifted its focus toward raising its fertility rate, as its number of elderly citizens grows larger.


コロン(:)=say/according to

   → The United Nations says (that) India’s population is set to surpass China’s in 2023.

岡本太郎が若き日に描いた絵画 発見

 ※"for a long time" と同じで、より簡潔に表現可能
 ex) The early works of major Japanese artist Okamoto Taro were long thought to have been destroyed in World War II.

・rare find:珍しい発見物、掘り出し物
・all is not lost:全てが失われたわけではない、まだ望みはある
 ※All that glitters is not gold.(またはAll is not gold that glitters.):光る物全てが金ではない(諺)
 ex) But a rare find in Paris suggests all is not lost.

・abstract painting:抽象画
・unearth:発掘する、土(earth)に埋まっているものを掘り出す → 見つける、暴く
 ex) But in February, officials who research and collect the artist’s works acquired three abstract paintings recently unearthed in Paris.

 ex) These paintings represent the origins of Taro’s works.

・~歳代:"in+所有格+(端数の付かない)数字s" で表す。
 ex) in her 70s:彼女の70歳代 

・"late" や “early" を数字の前に入れてその年代のいつ頃かも表す
 ex) a woman in her late 30s:30代の終わりの女性 a man in his early 40s:40代前半の男性

・teen:語尾に “teen" が付く年齢(thirteenからnineteenまで)
 ex) late teens:10代の終わり early teens:13~15歳


・foreign destination:海外の目的地 → 海外旅行先
 ex) The islands are one of the most popular foreign destinations for Japanese tourists, but the tours have been suspended since early in the pandemic.

・jump in:(勢いよく)乗り込む、飛びつく、急いで活動する
・jump back in:戻る、急速に回帰する
・a day later:1日後
 ex) Airline group ANA Holdings is also jumping back in. Their first flights leave a day later.

・lower:引き下げる ⇔ raise:引き上げる
 ex) The Japanese government lowered its travel warning for the United States earlier this month from “Avoid all travel” to “Avoid non-essential travel.”

・conclude that ~:~ということを結論づける
 ex) Officials from the Japan Association of Travel Agents visited Hawaii and concluded that the state was ready to accept tourists again.

“package tour" だけでなく、"package vacation", “package holiday" ともいう

<豆知識:"earlier this month" は月の上旬という意味ではない>
earlier this monthは、現時点から遡った今月のある時点を指すもので、月の上旬を指すとは限らない。
例えば17日など月の中旬の日でも、同じ月の下旬から見れば “earlier this month" と呼ぶ

スリランカ 大統領が辞任

・come after ・・・:物事が発生した順序を説明したり、理由を示唆したりする際によく使われます。
 ex) It comes after months of anti-government protests over a worsening economic crisis.再生解説

・flee ~:~から逃げる、~を捨てる
 ex) Earlier this week, the now-former leader fled the country with his wife.

・bring an end to …は「~に終止符を打つ、~を終わらせる
 ex) It brings an end to more than a decade of Sri Lanka’s rule by the Rajapaksa dynasty.

・have served / have held:(要職を)務めたことがある
 ex) Both Gotabaya and his brother Mahinda have served as president, while their relatives have held key government positions.

 ex) Colombo, the country’s largest city, is still under a state of emergency after a week of unrest.

・security force:治安部隊
 ex) Protesters clashed with security forces on Wednesday.

・short on ~:~に不足している
 ex) The country remains critically short on food and fuel and lacks the funds to import more.

<豆知識:「衝突する」は “clash" “crash" とがある>
“Protesters clashed with security forces on Wednesday."


名詞で使われる場合、crashはcar crash「車の衝突」やplane crash「飛行機の墜落」など、事故についてよく使われる。

なお聞き分けに関しては、 [l] は明るめのトーン、[r] は暗めのトーンなので、それを手掛かりにすると良い。