eステーション 文法とチャンク <仕事編③>


新商品を説明する① ※同じ基本文で2つ教材がある

I explain our new product.

【 バリエーション文】
I explained our new product / to our clients.

・I explained our new product / to our clients in a clear and simple way.

I explained our new product / to our clients in a clear and simple way, / using my laptop.

I explained our new product yesterday. My clients were so satisfied with it.

新商品を説明する② ※同じ基本文で2つ教材がある。こっちは音声の最後に違う教材のものが混じっていた

I explain our new product.

【 バリエーション文】
I explained our new product / to the client.

I explained to the client / why our new product is better / than our company’s older product.

I explained to the client / why our new product is better / than our company’s older product / and our competitors’ products.

I explained to the client specifically / why our new product is better / than our company’s older product / and our competitors’ products.

I explained to the client specifically, / using a catalog and a tablet, / why our new product is better / than our company’s older product / and our competitors’ products.

I’m explaining our new products to our clients using a laptop and a projector tomorrow.


I disagree with the proposal.
※proposal:提案 [prəpóuzəl]

【 バリエーション文】
I disagreed with the proposal / made by the person in charge of the project.
 ※person in charge of ~:~の担当者

I disagreed with the proposal / made by the person in charge of the project, / and explained the reason.

I disagreed with the proposal / made by the person in charge of the project, / and explained the reason. / Then I suggested an alternative plan.
 ※alternative [ɔːltə́ːrnətiv]

I disagreed with the proposal / made by the person in charge of the project, / and explained the reason. / Then I suggested an alternative plan, / so the discussion became complicated.

I disagreed with the proposal / made by the person in charge of the project, and explained the reason. / Then I suggested an alternative plan, / so the discussion became complicated. / We’ll leave the decision for next time.
 ※leave ~:~を委ねる、~を任せる

Everyone in the room disagreed with the proposal, but the person in charge didn’t give up the project.


We have to reach a conclusion.

【 バリエーション文】
We have to reach a conclusion / about this matter.

We have to reach a conclusion / about this matter / by the end of the month.

We have to reach a conclusion / about this matter / by the end of the month, / so we’ll have another meeting next week.

We have to reach a conclusion / about this matter / by the end of the month, / so we’ll have another meeting next week. / Would you please prepare the materials / by then?

We have to reach a conclusion / about this matter / by the end of the month, / so we’ll have another meeting next week. / Would you please prepare the materials / that we didn’t have today / by the next meeting?

My boss told that we have to reach a conclusion immediately. But we didn’t want to work overtime with the extended meeting.


We meet the delivery date.
※delivery date:納期、受渡日

【 バリエーション文】
・It’s going to be harder / to meet the delivery date now.

・It’s going to be harder / to meet the delivery date now, / so I told [informed] the boss / about it.

・It’s going to be harder / to meet the delivery date now, / so I told [informed] the boss / that we probably wouldn’t be able to meet the deadline. 

・It’s going to be harder / to meet the delivery date now, so I told [informed] the boss / that we probably wouldn’t be able to meet the deadline. / He told me to meet the deadline.

・It’s going to be harder / to meet the delivery date now, / so I told [informed] the boss / that we probably wouldn’t be able to meet the deadline. / He told me to do / whatever it takes to meet it.
 ※whatever it takes:何としても、どんな手段を使っても

I could meet the delivery date, so I got home earlier and enjoyed my spare time.