多聴11:Mystery at the Ice Castle Inn: Part 3 ⑤ (Level:2)

知らない or あやふやな単語

・pass out cold:すっかり気を失う
  ex) With that news, Sylvia passes out cold.

・give up for ~:~のために諦める
  ex) In the locket are pictures of a baby girl and a baby boy — babies she gave up for adoption.

・be snowed under:(雪などに)埋もれる、~に押しつぶされている
  ex) I was poor and snowed under so many unpaid bills that I could barely breathe.

・adopt ~:~を養子にする
  ex) how did you come to adopt them?

・doctoral student:博士課程の学生


・inherit:相続する [inhérit]
・fortune:富、財産 [fɔ́rtʃən] 
  ex) she inherited a fortune and The Ice Castle Inn.

・all along:最初からずっと
  ex) It was Crystal’s plan all along to expose Sylvia’s history.

  ex) She thought that people would stop seeing her films if they knew she had given up her own children to further her career.

  ex) Crystal also realizes she was wrong and feels, quite unexpectedly, ashamed.

  ex) “This is where the major comes into the story,” Crystal says hesitantly.

・lieutenant:(米陸軍の)中尉 [luːténənt]
  ex) His name was Lieutenant Justice Castle.



こんなの全っっ然覚えられない。でもcucumber("The housekeeper remains as cool as a cucumber.") は、面白いので是非覚えたい。
