多聴9:Mystery at the Ice Castle Inn: Part 3 ③ (Level:2)

知らない or あやふやな単語

  ex) She wears a silky white nightgown and robe. They look costly.

  ex) Her feet are bare.

  ex) Her body twitches and her eyes move nervously around the room.

  ex) He is suddenly stone-cold sober, as he says, “Hope? Is that you?”

・yells at ~:~を怒鳴りつける
  ex) Crystal, no longer the housekeeper, yells at them.

・driven snow:吹きだまりの雪
  ex) Hope is as pure as the driven snow!

  ex) You four people in this room drove her to madness!

・let ~ out:~を外に出す
  ex) Crystal lets everything out in the open.

・contribute to ~:~に寄与する、~の一因となる
  ex) She explains how each person in that room contributed to her beloved girl’s insanity.

  ex) You broke your promise to marry her, leaving her stranded at the church!

・get cold feet:おじけづく
  ex) I got cold feet! I was nervous and changed my mind at the last minute.

・look into ~:~をのぞきこむ
・trap in ~:~に閉じ込める
  ex) He looks deep into the fire, his mind trapped in the mistake of years past.

  ex) Vincent’s wealth and status come entirely from his wife’s family.



