多読 27:Great Expectations (Level:3)
ディケンズの「A Christmas Carol(クリスマス・キャロル)」を読み終わり、後回しにした「Great Expectations(大いなる遺産)」へ移ることにした。
今のところ、このレベル3で読む候補にしている本は、これ以外にエドガー・アラン・ポーの「The Purloined Letter(盗まれた手紙)」が最後に残っている。
[シリーズ] Happy Readers
[出版社] Happy House
[著者] Charles Dickens
[総語数] 10002語
知らない or あやふやな単語
・leg iron:足かせ
ex) He was dirty and was wearing leg irons.
・devour:貪り食う [diváuər]
ex) I only had a piece of bread and he quickly picked it up and devoured it.
・dose:薬を服用する [dóus]
ex) “Well, then! It’s time for a dosing.”
・spoonful:(名)スプーン一杯 [spúːnfùl]
ex) My sister made me drink a spoonful of ‘tar water’ which was a disgusting, thick, dark liquid.
・pamper ~:~を甘やかす、気ままにさせる [pǽmpər]
ex) I hope she doesn’t pamper him.
・stern:厳しい、いかめしい [stərn]
ex) I was not grateful at all. Miss Havisham was a very rich but strange and stern woman.
・dreary:わびしい [dríəri]
ex) I followed the servant through the dark, dreary house until we came to a door.
・sour:不愉快な、不機嫌な [saur]
・scorn:冷笑、あざけり [skɔ́rn]
ex) Her pretty face soured with scorn.
・deal cards:トランプのカードを配る
ex) Estella finally sat down and dealt the cards.
・ashamed:恥ずかしい [əʃéimd]
ex) I had never been ashamed of myself before but I looked at my hands and boots.
・courtyard:〔特に四方を建物・塀で囲まれた〕中庭 [kɔ́rtjɑ̀rd]
ex) I kicked a wall in the courtyard.
・victorious:勝利の [viktɔ́riəs]
ex) I didn’t feel victorious.
・sadden ~:~を悲しませる [sǽdn]
ex) Estella had saddened my life.
・refined:洗練された、上品な [rifáind]
ex) A gentleman was considered as part of the upper class and was expected to behave as a refined person.
・cobweb:クモの巣 [kɑ́bwèb]
ex) The room was dark and dusty and there were cobwebs everywhere.
・apprentice:見習い [əpréntis]
ex) I replied, “I will become Joe’s apprentice."
・benefactor:後援者、慈善活動家 [bénəfæ̀ktər]
ex) They are relatives of Miss Havisham. She must be my benefactor.
・rejoice:嬉しがる、喜ぶ [ridʒɔ́is]
ex) Yet my heart was also rejoicing.
・great deal of ~:たくさんの~
ex) During the dinner, Mr. Jaggers and Drummle had had a great deal of conversation.
・drink to ~:~を祝って乾杯する
ex) Mr. Jaggers said, “Mr. Drummle, I drink to you."
・astounded:とても驚いた [əstáundid]
ex) I and Startop were astounded at this.
・clumsy:不器用な、ぎこちない [klʌ́mzi]
ex) I could hear the sound of his heavy clumsy boots on the stairs.
・show ~ in ・・・:~を・・・に招き入れる
ex) I met him at the front door and showed him in.
・stiffly:堅苦しく [stífli]
ex) We spoke, very stiffly, to one another for a while.
・prosper:成功する、繁栄する [prɑ́spər]
ex) I hope you prosper here in London.
・primitive:未発達の、初期の [prímətiv]
ex) Life was more dangerous then, with unsafe working conditions and primitive medical techniques.
・contribute:貢献する、寄与する [kəntríbjuːt]
・roam:うろつく [róum]
ex) These factors contributed to the numbers of orphans who roamed the streets of London.
・make up:穴埋めをする、埋め合わせをする、仲直りをする
ex) I should go and stay with Joe to make up for his terrible time in London.
・banquet:宴会、晩餐会 [bǽŋkwət]
ex) Miss Havisham was sitting quietly in a chair in the banquet room.
・graceful:しとやかな、優美な [gréisfl]
ex) Miss Havisham said, “She is graceful and beautiful, isn’t she?”
・compassion:思いやり [kəmpǽʃən]
・tenderness:優しさ [téndərnis]
ex) she suddenly said to me, “I have a beating heart inside me which can be stabbed or shot but I have no heart which can feel love, compassion or tenderness."
・grim:気味の悪い、残酷な、厳格な、断固とした [grím]
ex) I found Joe sitting in a chair in one corner looking very grim.
・wept:weep(泣く)の過去形 [wépt]
ex) Then, he wept in that cold empty corner of the room.
・court:求愛する、功徳 [kɔrt]
ex) . He told me that Drummle was courting Estella.
・be taken aback:驚く、あっけにとられる
ex) I was completely taken aback and left to visit
・shatter:打ち砕く [ʃǽtər]
ex) I felt my life had just been shattered into a thousand pieces.
・take ~ out:~を持ち出す
ex) I took my lamp out into the hallway and called out.
・bold:大胆な、厚かましい [bóuld]
ex) The man laughed and said, “You are quite bold I am glad you grew up to be bold."
・pull away:離れる
ex) I pulled away from him.
・stutter:口ごもりながら言う、言葉に詰まりながら言う [stʌ́tər]
ex) “Well, I have a benefactor,” I stuttered.
・guardian:保護者、後見人 [gɑ́rdiən]
ex) Then he asked me, “You had a guardian before you turned twenty one, didn’t you?
・desert:去る、後にする [dézərt]
ex) I deserted wonderful, kind-hearted Joe for a criminal.
・cheat 人 out of ~:人をだまして~をだまし取る
ex) we planned to cheat people out of money in the horse races.
・whereas ~:~であるのに反して、~である一方で [hwɛərǽz]
ex) He was sent to prison for only seven years whereas I got fourteen years.
・be accused of ~:~で告発される
ex) Her real mother was accused of murder.
・unbearable:耐えられない、我慢できない [unbearable]
ex) The burns were unbearable.
・wretched:哀れな、悲惨な [rétʃid]
ex) This is how Magwitch could change from being a wretched prisoner to a rich sheep farmer.
・excute:死刑にする、処刑する [éksəkjùːt]
ex) If these former prisoners ever returned to England, they would be put back in jail or even executed.
・in the distance:遠方に
ex) Suddenly, in the distance, I saw someone.
・throw ~ away with ・・・:・・・と一緒に~を捨てる
ex) I often think about what I threw away with you.
一番の疑問は、「Great Expectations」の訳が「大いなる遺産」なこと。