







① 施設について:ずっと良い状態を維持し続けるのにお金が掛かる
“Regarding the relating related facilities, they have to be kept in well condition for such a long time with spending lots of money."

⇒ なぜ “spending lots of money" なのかを説明しなければならない。"be kept in well condition" では説明にならない。

② 選手村について:今のものは売却契約済みなので、2032年用に再度建てると莫大な追加費用が発生する
As for the athletes’ dormitories, we have to construct new ones again around 2032 with enormous extra expenses, because the current ones have made a contract to sell to consumers in 2025.

⇒ 上記の指摘を考えると、こっちの方は “because" 以下で説明をしているから良い、ということになる。


Since the Corona issue occurred, I have watched on TV many Japanese specialists who are working in the medical industry in the U.S. They are doctors, scientists, academic staff, etc.

→ “on TV" は “U.S." の後ろへ(とても後ろになるが仕方がない)

They are extraordinarily talented, however, they do not stay in Japan. I imagine some reasons for their moving out of Japan. The reduction of the budget for research and development, too small fields to work actively, less advanced information and knowledge…

→ “however" の前後はカンマではなくセミコロンなのが本当

The loss of experts would be damage for Japan.

There was news that NASA’s Mars rover has successfully landed on the surface of Mars. How incredible it is!

I am surprised by the human’s migration plan to Mars from the Earth. Though it is unbelievable, it might come true before I die. However, is it the right thing that we will move to Mars since the Earth is full of humanity? For Martians (if exist), we could be invaders from another planet. I wonder if it is allowed ethically.

What if the rover comes across Martians by any possibility?

→ 問題なし(え~、ホント!?)

The United Airline’s incident of the failure-engine dropping was terribly shocking. Especially, the video of the burning beat-up engine was almost traumatic to me. If I were on the plane and saw such a battered engine out of the window, I would write a will.

This kind of accident is supposed not to happen often, and of course, it must be so. Anyway, I would deeply beg airline companies to maintain all equipment with severity!

→ “supposed not to happen" より “should not happen" の方が良い。また “it must be so" は “it will never be." の方が良い("must" は強すぎる)。逆に “beg" は 弱いので “expect" が良い。

Nevertheless, it was a miracle that nobody and nothing was hurt at all.