レアジョブ Weekly News Article(ペットの犬が500万ドルを受け取る)


Border collie receives $5 million from owner

・beloved:最愛の [bilʌ́vid]
  ex) The students drew pictures for their beloved teacher when she got very sick. [drúː]

・a trust:(財産管理などの)信託
  ex) The billionaire put some money in a trust for his children.

・reimburse:(人に費用などを)補償する [rìimbə́ːrs]
  ex) We’ll reimburse you for your hotel and food costs during your business trip.

・an expense:費用、出費
  ex) Yuki uses an app to monitor her monthly expenses.

  ex) Dorris’ will states that Lulu will stay with his friend Martha Burton.

・Maltese:マルチーズ犬 [mɔltíz]

・Chihuahua:チワワ [tʃiwɑ́ːwəː]

・papillon:パピヨン(犬の種類) [pǽpilɑ̀n]

・Do you think it’s reasonable to leave money for dogs or other pets in your will?
 → 家族同然だったんだから当然だと思う

・Imagine that you’re Burton. How do you feel about the money that Dorris left for Lulu (ex. happy, jealous)?
 → お世話代にいくらもらっているか分からないので何とも言えないが、遺産を目当てに犬を預かっていたのならがっかりだろう。

・Imagine that someone left a lot of money for you in a will. What are you going to do with the money (ex. put it in the bank, buy a new car)?
 → 投資かなぁ・・・。老後の資金にしたい

・When pet owners have to travel, what should they do with their pets (ex. travel with them, ask a friend to take care of them)?
 → ペット同伴できそうなら一緒に、ダメなら知人やペットホテルに預ける

・The article talked about many different types of dogs. In your opinion, what’s the best type of dog (ex. poodles, dachshunds)?
 → 好みは柴犬かそれに似た犬。でも見た目で選ぶとかはしたくない。

・Other than dogs, what animals make the best pets (ex. cats, fish)?
 → ペットとしてなら、仲間と認識してなついてくれる動物





例えば「~は当然だろう」なんて言うときも、せめて “It’s natural that ・・・" みたいな感じで言えれば少しは雰囲気も変わるんだけど、とっさに思い出せず結局 “I think" の連発。