Native Camp スピーキング 1-14 What Questions


“What?" Questions

【Ex What time do you usually get up?:サンプル回答】
I usually get up at 7:00 in the morning. I have to study English for one hour every day.
So I have to go to bed early, at about 10 in the evening. My alarm clock wakes me up every morning.

【Q1 What is your favorite food?:サンプル回答】
Ice cream is my favorite food. I don’t really eat it every day. I sometimes eat it with plain bread.

このサンプル回答を見て、「plain breadの上にice cream??」と驚いた。しかし先生はそれを知っていて「美味しいのよ」と言っていた。

【Q2 What do you usually have for breakfast?:サンプル回答】
I usually have eggs and toast for breakfast. Mom always makes it for us. She wakes up early in the morning and prepares everything, so we won’t miss breakfast before we leave for school.

【Q3 What is your favorite snack?:サンプル回答】
My favorite snack is a bar of chocolate. It keeps me awake and it recharges me when I get bored at work. It’s my number one stress reliever.

recharge ~:〔人に元気などを〕再びみなぎらせる


なお、最初に回答した際、 “I like various kinds of snack." と言って “s" が抜けたのを指摘してもらった。
“This is a 〇〇 with the fastest growing population."

【Q4 What is your favorite season?:サンプル回答】
My favorite season is summer. I love summer because I can go to the beach and go swimming with my friends. We can eat ice cream and drink cold drinks on a hot summer day!

【Q5 What do you do in your free time?:サンプル回答】
I listen to music and read books in my free time.

“Day after day, the temperature was getting lower and lower so I was able to slowly adjust and get used to it until I was feeling comfortable to walk outside."

【Q6 What kind of technology do you want to see 5 or 10 years from now?:サンプル回答】
The kind of technological development that I want to see in 10 years are robots that interact with people. I also want to see that they have found the cure to cancer.


“The Japanese always judge other people’s English levels."

【Q7 What do you do to improve your English?:サンプル回答】
I watch English movies and listen to English songs to improve my English. I also try to read books and articles in English.


【Q8 What makes you feel happy?:サンプル回答】
I feel happy when I get to talk to my friends for a long time. We always find time to see each other despite the tight schedules we both have. Talking about random things over a cup of coffee is always fun when we’re together.

get to ~:~の機会を得る
talk about random things:とりとめのない話をする
over coffee:コーヒーを飲みながら

【Q9 What do you usually do to relieve stress?:サンプル回答】
I usually take some time away from my desk, take my phone and earphones with me and listen to good music. Ten to fifteen minutes away from my desk is enough to calm me down when I am having a not-so-good day in the office.


【Q10 What do you do to make your friends and loved ones happy?:サンプル回答】
Finding time to spend with friends and loved ones is the least that I can do despite my busy work schedule. I always try to finish my work early and have dinner with them.

~ is the least that I can do:~が私が出来る最低限のこと

【Q11 What do you do to make your friends and loved ones happy?:サンプル回答】
I’m a student. I work as a part-time restaurant crew to earn a living. My salary helps me to buy the things I need to buy for school so I don’t depend too much on my parents.

earn a living:生計を立てる、生活費を稼ぐ

【Q12 What do you do to make your friends and loved ones happy?:サンプル回答】
I want to manage my own company 5 years from now. That way, I can help jobless people get good jobs and help their families. I also want to do charity work in the future, such as helping kids go to school to get a good education and feeding the less fortunate.

That way:そんな風に
the less fortunate:恵まれない人々





教材を無視してFree Conversationで終わることは誰とでも頻繁にあることで、レッスン受け放題のNative Campだから全然気にしない。

I’m in my element.:本領を発揮する
