Native Camp トピックトーク26 The Internet


・become widespread:広く普及される
 ex) Many social media have become widespread.

・take advantage of ~:~を利用する/活用する
 ex) To work overseas, I want to take advantage of my skills in the Japanese language.

・countless (benefits):無数の/数えきれないほどの(利益)
 ex) The internet brought countless benefits to numberless entrepreneurs.

・In fact:実際は,もっとはっきり言えば
 ex) In fact, I can live without social media with no problem.

 ex) I’m considering starting a new business around e-commerce.

・absorb (knowledge):(知識)を吸収する
 ex) I want to absorb the knowledge of English more and more.

・effectively:有効的に(使う) (use)
 ex) I’m using the Free Conversation lesson in Native Camp effectively to practice speaking.

・(send) an attachment:添付(を送る)
 ex) On the point of security, I never send an email with an attachment of important documents.

・be addicted to~:~に夢中になる
 ex) I always keep my distance from internet games in order not to be addicted to them.


・become widespread:広く普及される
 The use of the Internet has become so widespread; most people are online.

・take advantage of ~:~を利用する/活用する
 Businesses are taking advantage of social media to spread their names.

・countless (benefits):無数の/数えきれないほどの(利益)
 There are countless benefits with the Internet being so widespread.

・In fact:実際は,もっとはっきり言えば
 With social media, staying connected is, in fact, so easy.

 ex) I’m considering starting a new business around e-commerce.
 → “be considering" より “consider" の方がナチュラル
 My card allows me to make e-commerce transactions.

・absorb (knowledge):(知識)を吸収する
 It is hard to absorb all the information the Internet gives you.

・effectively:有効的に(使う) (use)
 How to use the information you get from the Internet effectively is the question.

・(send) an attachment:添付(を送る)
 My e-mail account can’t send large attachments.

・be addicted to~:~に夢中になる
 Many people are addicted to FB, Twitter, etc.



