Native Camp 日記トーク(海外でのすれ違い時の挨拶)
The weather was perfect today. While taking a walk along the beautiful autumn trail, I passed more people than usual. We said hello when we passed each other.
I met a woman walking her dog. I greeted her, and the dog was so friendly that I patted the dog’s head. But I just walked away without saying anything. I regretted that.
Next, I met another woman with a friendly dog. So, I talked to the dog some words with patting its head and said “Have a nice day!" to the owner.
I felt good this time.
【 キーとなる語彙・フレーズ 】
・pass each other:すれ違う
・pat someone’s head:~の頭をなでる
【 先生が修正してくれた箇所】
“I talked to the dog some words with patting its head and said “Have a nice day!" to the owner."
“So I talked to the dog and said some words while patting it’s head and said “have a nice day " to it’s owner"
今日は思い立って「Native Camp レッスンマラソン」をやっている。
これで4レッスン目(トピックトーク → フリートーク → 日記トーク → コレ)で、もう喉が涸れ気味で頬骨が痛かったけれど、イギリスの I 先生がフリーだったのを見つけて「取っちゃえ!」と頑張った。